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I'm Home



Hi Everyone, I am home, after my visit to Arizona. My mother in law is doing very well, she has been tolerating the chemo much better than anyone expected. She had some tests last week, and should get the test results today. The Dr is extremely happy that she has tolerated the 3 sets of (3 each set) of chemo. He has decided to do a couple more.


The morning I left we had an inch of snow on our porch and I arrived at 7 pm to around 84*. I actually did much better than I thought with the heat.. the house does get a breeze, and usually during the hottest part of the day we were inside.


One day John's 2 sisters. mom and I went to Globe, a higher elevation and where they all lived when young. We met up with a cousin and his wife and had lunch together. They belong to the Golf Club, so we all met there for lunch. The club had just completed a "scenic walk" around the perimiter of the gold course. So we walked it with John's cousins wife.. got half way around.. and mom wanted to continue... She had a great time.. and walked the whole thing ... which is a mile around.


I was a bit nervous going down without John, I have met his sisters a few times... but I didn't really know them well. The visit was really great, I had a lot of quality time with mom, and I got to know my 2 sisters in law much better.


Well I am back home to 50 * .. ha ha. All our fur babies were happy to see me, and kept me close in sight for a few days.. still keeping in an eye on me.


John is happy to have me home again... :bouncing_off_wall: He did do laundry and he didn't starve to death...lol and he did his dishes.... YEAH............ :happydance:


Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers for our family......... I missed you all. I will Offically be back on site on Monday. I am taking this time to catch up.... you have all been in my thoughts and heart


Oh .... and I have quit smoking.. still doing pretty welll with it.... almost 3 months. I am beginning to feel much better.. and so wish I had done this sooner.... LOL


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Miss Bonnie,

Welcome home :bouncing_off_wall:

happy to hear mom is doing so well and you and all other made it through your trip well too. Your absence here was felt and you were greatly missed. We muddled through and held down the fort without you, but it just wasn't the same without our ray of sunshine. If we could we'd all jump up on your lap and lick your face like your furry friends ~ just thought you'd enjoy that mental image.

love you,

Maria :friends:

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Oh Dear Bonnie,


So glad all went well for you in Arizona and that your dear MIL is doing so well. Bless her heart. Glad you had good visit with your in-laws as well.


I can only imagine how happy the furry ones and John were to have you back at home though. They all survived the 10 days :rolleyes: just proves all well you have taught John to takr charge of things (we won't let him know that though :nuhuh: )


Get rest from your vacation, get back into the groove - we'll have the coffee brewing Monday morning and the Krispy Kremes waiting for you.


The mental image of us all sitting in your lap giving you kissies staggers the imagination a bit - how about :friends: :bouncing_off_wall: :wub2: :Cheers: :You-Rock: :forgive_me?: instead. Luv ya!!

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ROTFL Maria, I think I need to get a bigger chair, and have a towel ready.. ha ha


Thanks for the warm welcome home, Maria and Donna. I guess now I have seen Mom.. and how well she is doing I am feeling more comfortable.. and able to pull myself out of the fog ..


Thank you all for covering for me.. I have no words to tell you how much it meant to me.


big hugs to my cyber family (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))

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Dear Bonnie,


I want you to know how glad I am you are back, too!!! It's pretty impressive that you walked around the golf course, too Missy! Great exercise, huh???


Congrats on the ditching the weeds, too. I KNOW how hard that is and honestly I could pick them up at any time. The thing that keeps me from it is Bill. He could go back in a wink and it is too dangerous for him to do so - on a couple of levels!! Anyway, I am proud of you!!


Have fun getting the house back in order and soothing all the ruffled fur around you!





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hey bonnie,


good to know that things with your mom-in-law are going well! nice to have you back! you were missed. it's catch up time for you so do what you need to do and join us when you get caught up with things at home!

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hey bonnie:


welcome back you were sorely missed around here, instead of licking you how about big bear hug from me.




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hi bonnie, i too am happy your M-I-L is doing well. i bet you had a great visit with everyone too. i used to work in globe before my stroke, driving to and from everyday. i don't miss that part though. i bet you are glad to be home with your critters and john. i hope he didn't lick your face though,LOL. as donna said, come monday the coffee n cremes will be waiting for you. i can't believe its 3 months already on the smoking, congrats to you, i know it wasn't easy. but you did it. i think we held down the fort for you with our good brain cells working properly, LOL. its good to have you back.

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Glad to know you have good news to report on your mother-in-law and that John didn't starve to death in your absence.



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Bonnie nice to have you home again..Congrats on your quitting smoking and nice to hear your mother inlaw is doing so well..Hubby is still coming along and I hope he doesn't get depressed as this is very hard on both of us... Talk to you soon...

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