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The Pendulum



Oh that pendulum - always swinging to extremes!


Whether the country is liberal or conservative, as a whole, seems to depend on the swing of the pendulum. Personally, I think the pendulum has been too far conservative and will swing back liberal (at least, I hope so!). I am not a blind liberal who buys into the idea lock, stock, and barrel. I simply hold many beliefs that match better in the liberal sense and are far too contrary to the conservative side.


In other pendulum news - when I was fresh out of the hospital, I had an incredibly difficult time waking up each day. I couldn't get enough sleep and didn't know how much I needed that sleep. I forced myself out of bed and rarely got anywhere before 10:30 am. Well, the pendulum has swung - I am so easily awakened, it drives me crazy. I find myself awake at various times in the night for no particular reason. I am wide awake when I hear someone walking on the carpet (usually when Bob is up for some reason or another). Ugh, I want to be a normal sleeper again! That dang pendulum better not get stuck here.


I have given notice at my current job that I will be leaving. The environment just isn't right for me. I would love to put all of the blame on something, but I think it is just a matter of fit. I want to work in more of a research setting or managerial position and this job has neither of those. I have a few applications out there ranging from California to Florida and hope to have a job lined up before I move June 10th, but I have a safety net of moving back in with Bob if I don't have a job by then. There was no way to find out that it wasn't a fit without trying it out first so I am really glad that I gave it a go. This is a cute town and the people are...interesting.


I will definitely miss: the water - good tasting water here. Potbelly's - good sandwiches and great cookies! Mark & Renee - very intelligent and insightful coworkers. Free cable and internet (okay, not really free but cheap rent and included in the price). The lady who watches Law & Order in the downstairs apartment who is almost deaf - there was some measure of comfort when I could hear what she was watching. The small town aspect of living here. I think that is it...


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Hey Sherri!


I'm so excited that you might be moving back here to Florida! :bouncing_off_wall:


I can't believe it hasn't been that long because it feels like forever that you've been up there! I think it's great that you gave it a go - that you were brave enough to move up there by yourself, away from everyone - you have to give yourself a lot of credit for doing that as most people never leave their 'comfort zones' . . . I think it was worth it to discover more of what you'd like to do, and enjoy doing, as your life's work. I'm lucky right now in that I really love the research on this job. When I started the PhD program, I never imagined myself liking research - it's funny how it grows on you!


Sorry you're not sleeping well - you have a lot on your mind right now and I know, for me, that will keep me at the surface of just being 'under' . . . it should pass as the stresses in your life ease up. Thankfully, it's a good sign that you don't need as much sleep - or as much deep sleep - as you did when you were recovering. It could also be that you've gotten used to being alone so when Bob visits, his noises are 'new' to you? When Steve and I are together, I have to wear those foam earplugs so I don't hear him!


Talk to you soon!



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I admire you for at least giving it a go...what's that saying?..."You never know until you try it out" or something like that. I hope the pendulum will swing in the way you need it and want it to be...Good Luck in your job hunting..you're awesome!

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Best of luck to you in whichever way the pendulum swings for you. You've gotten out there and proved you could accomplish your goals and dreams. You Go Girl!!!!

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I admire your guts. no wonder people like you becomes successful in their venture. I have no doubt you will do great in your life wherever you are and whichevr way pendulum is swinging.




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