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I finished my freshmen year!



Hello everyone!

I am doing much better than my last entry. Thank you all for your comments. I finished my freshmen year. Friday was my last day. I spent the week before last going to awards ceremonies. I got 4 awards and I was installed into the National Council of Negro Women! I was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, the National Freshmen Honor Society, for maintaining a G.P.A of 3.0 or above, I received an outstanding service award for helping the Ceenter for Personal Development set up their workshops, I received another community service award for volunteering as a mentor for youth at risk and tutoring the children with learning disabilities, AND my last reward was for being on the Chancellor's list which means I have a G.P.A of 3.75 or above. I just checked my grades and I made all As in all of my classes AGAIN which means I STILL have a perfect 4.0! I have an interview tomorrow for a summer internship with Teen Court and I might start volunteering at the Battered Women's and Children's Shelter with my next door neighbor. I am vvery excited for this summer because I have my very first jury duty, I was selected to attend a conference with the Honors Program in July, and me and my dad are going to go on a "my birthday/Father's Day" vacation to see my favorite singer perform at the beach! Did I mention I met my favorite singer because she came to perform at my school for our annual ball? She gave me a hug when she sat on the stage! It was the best day of my life. I don't have any pictures of me with her but I am going to upload pictures of myself at the ball. I actualy cried when I had to leave school. I thought about how much fun I had, how much I accomplished, and how beyond nice everyone was to me. I can't wait until next semester!


Recommended Comments

You Go Girl - We are so so proud of you...your grades, your awards, completing your freshman year!! Now you're a student "pro".


Glad to hear you're doing better and that you and your Dad will be going on vacation. Pictures, Pictures...we want pictures.


(((hugs))) to you dear girl and love from one of your cyber aunties.

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The very best thing you will give to the children with disabilities with whom you will work is that they can accomplish great things. A better role model and truer inspiration they could not have WHAT A GIFT! The awards you earned through your hard work despite your challenges make them that much more admirable and awesome. :Clap-Hands:


We are all sooo very proud of you. You are truly an inspiration to all of us

Maria :friends:

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just wow, you made all of us so proud. It's so great to see your accomplishments, when I did not see your blog I knewyou must be busy in school. but never thought you are doing so good, yo are true inspiration to many including me.




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katrina, woo hoo you did it. i can remember before you started college, how nervous you were and sp worried about everything. look how far you have come. you did it girl, we all are so proud of you, as i hope your family is too. your awards are awesome. you are truly an inspiration to so many. don't let anything get you down either have a great summer and enjoy yourself.

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Katrina ~ So cool to know more about you and how well you did in school G-R-E-A-T

is all I can say. This is my first ti,me on this part of this great Board. I have so much

to learn..This is fun! You have gone over and beyond all that I ever knew of you. You are

one awesome girl. Take care and have fun with your Dad to be honored for being such a

great Father and for you H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y to an awesome bright gal.


Love your friend ~ Nancy

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