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Another GOOD Kyle day!




Hi again everyone


I just checked on FaceBook and Kyle's Mom (Darlene) posted twice yesterday.


Here are her posts.




Darlene Jay wrote

at 2:26pm

Hello everyone, Kyle is having a good day today no sickness, lots of smiles and laughing today. Even managed to pick his nose today and laugh. He tried corking today and went 4.5 hrs then blew the cork off. This is his first try since last Tues as he was so sick. He told us the other day he was going to be better in a year. This tells us he is going to fight like hell to get through this. take care





Darlene Jay wrote

at 4:29pm

Just got back from OT and Mr. Kyle has shoulder movement this is the first that they noticed this. He was pretty happy to hear this and know he was doing it. Even in the right shoulder which is his weak side.



That sounds much more encouraging. Smiles, laughter and some new movement. (That would appear that he is getting movement back) Add to that a fighting spirit and we could have a winner....GO KYLE!!!


Smiles :)




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Wonderful, Wonderful news. All these small progressions are baby steps to recovery as we all know. Way to go Kyle!!!

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this all small baby steps adds up to get ticket home and then as we all know new normal a stronger you emerges. so happy for

kyle and his fighting spirit.


"we can not change cards we are dealt but we can change how well we play our hand. that playing well differetiate us from being lables as stroke survivors and not as stroke victim"




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Hi Donna and Asha


Thanks again for your posts. Seems like Kyle is fighting again and winning. (little bits of movement and thats the start)


I just posted another post with Darlene's update for today.


Check it out.


Smiles :)



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