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Kyle is back on the computer ...Kinda



Hi Everyone


Two posts today from Kyle's room (the J Room)


Here is the first.


Hi to everyone:


Kyle had yet another good day. He is feeling good and continuing to blow everyone away here. Today with the lite gate which is the machine he stands with Kyle could bend his legs like trying to sit on the edge of the bed then bring his body straight to a standing position. He done this 4 times. Then with the help of physio pushing his legs he went from the bed to the hall this is a little ways but he was hell bent he was getting there. We have had a wonderful day and he is very proud of himself as we are even prouder. Mr. Kyle can take care of himself and put up a fight when he knows something isn't right, like the nurse trying to take his blood and not use the central line which she is to. Instead tried to use a needle and he would not let her so she had to get a nurse and she was told she had to use the central line.


Take Care

The Jays


It was posted by Brenda Horseman. Now I haven't met Brenda and she didn't identify herself in the post so I have to assume that she is a family member. I am sure that it will be made clear in the very near future but the news is that it was a good news day from the J Room.


Now here is Darlene's (mama J) post


Darlene Jay wrote

at 9:52pm

Hello to everyone, it is late tonight as I could not get this thing to work tonight. You all have read Brenda's update but I wanted to show you all what kyle did today on his computer.


mom Z;;









This is all Kyle! He had a great day!




the amazing news is that Kyle typed on the computer. It' not hard to tell where this boy is headed. In the words of Smokey an the Bandit. "He's got a long way to go and a short time to get there, but you just watch ole Bandit RUN..." or words to that effect... lol


Smiles :)




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Bless his heart - that is terrific news. Walking and he actually typed, which shows a start of the gross and fine motor skills. Isn't the brain and will power amazing as well as prayers? Prayers are being answered for dear Kyle. Keep up the fight!!!

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it's aweome news he is able to walk, and also using computer I already know 2 things from his computer typing 1. I know his birthday is May31,1989, ans 2. boys will love fart word at all ages :big_grin:


way to go Kyle, keep up the great fight.



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Hrllo Donna and Asha


Thank you again so much for your posts. When I talked to Kyle's grandfather Kier the other day he mentioned about Kyle having received a message of encouragement from a lady somewhere quite a distance away. I just wanted to mention that as confirmation that your posts are getting to Kyle and that he finds them encouraging.


Thank you so much now I am off to create a new post for today in order to post the latest news from the J Room.


Smiles :)




btw I posted a linkback to this blog from Kyles FaceBook group so that anyone from his group can come and check us out.



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