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She's baaack!



Finally Lesley has returned! The dogs and I went and got her in Duluth (125 miles away) Tuesday night. All went well, she arrived on schedule and the dogs went crazy. We got home about 2:20AM wednesday happy indeed. Fortunately she liked the new car (whew) and she was thrilled and shocked at the progress in the basement project. The only remaining work is to panel the new bedroom, all else is done.


We had to go to the grocery yesterday to restock produce, as her idea of a well stocked refer is a bit different than mine. Ahhh, salads again. Some freinds sent over some lasana to welcome her back, several welcome back phone calls, but otherwise a few quiet, slow days.


I really battled the last week before she returned to get done what I wanted to do. It just happened that I had a problem with my blood pressure acting up, and I just generally felt poorly. Forcing myself to finish the work I wanted to get done was very difficult indeed. I even have had to stop my daily exercise for a bit. I just didn't have the energy for it and a day of work in the basement. My right (non-stroke) shoulder has something wrong in it and really hurts at times. I think an MRI will be done soon to see what is going on, but any surgery will have to wait till next fall. Summers here are short and I will not give one up with a shoulder in rehab. I can still carry the canoe, that is all that really matters. I actually had to drink my coffee with my left (stroke side) hand for a few days. Talk about constraint therapy!


I think the adrenalin has left me and the last few days since she returned all I can do is relax. Fishing season is now open and I have not even been yet. I did load the canoe on the new suv yesterday, it went much easier then last year. It appears the winter of exercising has paid off.


Speaking of exercise, the therapist in Canada I went to for Active Release called yesterday just to have a social call and see how I am doing. We invited him and his wife to come spend a weekend with us sometime, I might even show him some of my fishing holes. Needless to say I have not had any followup from any therapists in this country.


The ice has finally left the lakes here, on opening day (last Saturday) some still had ice on and were unfishable. We are about two weeks behind weatherwise this spring. I had hoped to go out today or this evening, but it is quite windy, unsafe for a canoe, so another relaxing day at home. Lesley worked last night, and the dogs have quickly returned to the routine of watching out the window and welcoming her home.


The greenhouse is very green inside and the flowers along the driveway Lesley lovingly cares for are coming back to life. We still use the heater at night in the greenhouse, but should be able to get the outside garden going in a few weeks. We are going to keep the tomatoes in the greenhouse this year otherwise all we wind up with is a lot of green tomatoes that never ripen because of our cool summer nights.


Well, the neighbor lady just called and is donating some wood scraps to me so I need to help unload them, more later!


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Spring in your part of the country - Whoohooo!! Glad Lesley returned home safe and sound and life is ruturning to normal for you and your family. Hope your shoulder does not worsen to the point that you cannot put off treatment.


Enjoy your fishing!!

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Hi George, tell Lesley "Hi" from me and tell her to write a blog about her holiday in New Zealand. Even being so close I have never got there but believe it is a beautiful country with friendly people and an amazing amount to see as a tourist.


Late autumn here, a cold snap overnight and I have to go through our stored clothes and get out winter weights for us all. We don't freeze over but it often hovers just above frost point for days at a time so we do need our "winter woolies".


Glad to hear the exercise have paid off and carrying your canoe is easier. Goiod fishing mate.



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