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Mama J says Kyle had a good weekend..





Hi Everyone


I just checked Kyle's site on FaceBook and found a post by Mama J. (Darlene)


Darlene Jay wrote

at 6:17pm

Kyle had another good day today. He continues to feel better each day. Thanks to Justin,Elizabeth,Kyle and Jamie for all stories and making Kyle laugh. He had a good weekend.


So there you go all rested up, feeling good and ready for another week of hard work getting his body back to work again.


All the best Kyle keep up that "can do" style. It looks cool on you.



Also on a personal note I just finished posting the three video clips (7 minutes) each from the Stroke Awareness TV interview that I was invited to do in February 08.




Smiles :)




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Hey Gary. Nice to hear your voice! The interviews were good, very informative and I think would have helped people to identify that they were having a stroke. If we can shorten times to hospital, diagnosis to treatment etc we can save brain cells and lessen the effects of stroke.


Keep up the good work with the Kyle Diaries. We are praying for him too.



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the videos of your interview are exceptional! you looked and sounded great! thanks very much for sharing them with us! thanks also for mentioning strokenet! i think you're an inspiration to us all that life does go on.

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Gary the 3 videos are exceptional. You definitely need to be commended :clap: for all you do - you look and sound terrific. You are proof once again that life can go on after stroke. Bless you.


If Kyle needs any additional inspiration to forge ahead, I hope he sees these videos as well.

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I used to be upset with you that you don't spend time with me anymore, but now I know you are busy star. you are doing great job in spreading awarenes. I still am not there. I still like to give and get support for my loss. BTW I have been wondering how did Kyle suffered stroke?





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Hi Sue, Louise, Donna and Asha


Thanks a bunch for your kind comments I really appreciate your feedback.


The TV interview was a great opportunity to promote Stroke and High Blood Pressure awareness in the Island community. I know that it had a definite effect. People stop me and want to talk about stroke and share their own experiences whether it is a personal experience or a family member. They most often tell me that I AM changing attitudes and people are realizing that there IS life after stroke.


I have to thank all of my online stroke buddies for helping me understand that concept too. (you know who you are) Thank you! So now all that I am doing is trying to pay it forward by helping others to understand it too.


I have no idea how many times the interview was aired in February and March but it was a lot.


I just checked on the J Room and there has been no post today so I imagine that Kyle has been resting since today was a holiday here in Canada.


Asha as I understand it Kyle got up one morning and had breakfast. Then he headed out the door to go visit with a friend. He didn't feel well and turned around and came home. Thinking it to be the flu he stayed quiet for the rest of the day. By evening he and his family were suspicious that there might be something more serious than just the flu bug so they took Kyle to the QE Hospital in Charlottetown.


I am not sure how long it took but the doctors did diagnose him as having had a stroke. They had him Air Ambulance d to Halifax and by that time he was entirely paralyzed and only able to communicate with eye movements.


according to Kyle's granddad there was not much hope for recovery in fact he told me "even the doctor's had written him off"


So in time Kyle moved a finger Dr. said "no! just a reflex". Kyle's dad said "Kyle,move your finger" and he did.


And so it goes...


Kyle and his family are all on a huge learning curve right now and I am sure appreciate the fact that there are survivors and caregivers that can understand and give needed support along the way.




I will check in with the J Room tomorrow to see if there is any news...


Smiles :)





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