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Some GOOD news!!



Larry's son and his wife let us know today that they're expecting a new baby - this will be grandchild #3 for Larry, and for me as well since I consider them my kids too. Eric came to the SNF today to visit and told us the news, and I could see that Larry was really excited. As bad as things are right now, this has helped me to appreciate how lucky we are that Larry is still with us and didn't die on 4/22, even though there have been times that I wished that had happened instead of this. It's still very early on, but I'm so glad they told us now - it is wonderful to have something to smile about! Actually, I cried again, but at least they were "good" tears this time.


Larry had a so-so day yesterday - I don't think he was feeling particularly well. Today he was a lot better; more alert and cooperative. He is starting to do better at pointing to pictures when the ST shows him a page of images. Last week he could not do it at all, even when she first told him what each picture was. Now she still has to first tell him what the pictures are, but once she does that he can then pick out each one when asked, and that seems like a lot of progress in a short time. He's also getting more consistent with his "yes/no" answers; not perfect, but more reliable than at first.



So, a good day for both of us. I am trying to be more patient and focus on being as supportive as I can...some days it is hard, today it wasn't. Attitude is EVERYTHING!!




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Congrats on #3 grandbaby. Glad you both had a good day. Such is life post stroke - a roller coaster ride and a half.


(((hugs))) to you both.

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congrats for 3rd grandbaby on the way. Larry's stroke is quite recent but first few months progress are in leaps and bounds, so maximize on all of them to make second phase of caregiving lot easier. I also think in life 90% is attitude we CHOOSE to take versus 10% is situation.

hang in there & be a survivor for both of your sake.




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janine, congrats on the new grandbaby. yes that will give you soime happy thoughts every day. i am expecting my 1st in november. i can't wait. the recovery journey has many bumps in the road. we have to get over each one as gracefully as we can. you can't let the stroke WIN. that is not an option. it does get easier with time. keep encouraging larry as best you can it will help you both. this journey maybe the hardest thing in your lives, that you will ever have to do. none of us asked for a stroke to happen in our lives. its a test i think. our attitudes can make or break us. some days will be down days and thats ok, i continue to pray for you both that larry continues to improve and your days get brighter. hang in there, we are here for you both.

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What a wonderful report! I am so glad of all the positive things that are happening for you at this time. It seems to me that Larry's progress is coming along quite quickly right now though I am sure it may not feel that way to you all the time. Congrats on the new baby. That is something positive for both of you to look forward to. My granddaughter has been visiting for the last couple days. It is amazing how well she and my husband do together. At age 5 she doesn't seem to notice that he is not the same as others she just accepts him as he his.


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Ruth, you are so right!! Our granddaughter Samantha, who just turned three, does not behave as though anything is "wrong" with Larry. She comes to visit and says "Hi, Grandpa!", and that's it. He still tickles her tummy, and they laugh together, and she just accepts this as normal. There is definitely a lesson in there. She knows he's the same grandpa as before, and doesn't question that he can't move as well or tell her stories anymore, she just figures out what he CAN do and enjoys that. Kids are pretty amazing!



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