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This Day



:happydance: I sent this to my friends as an email. But since some of you are not on my email list, I am sending it as a blog. Sorry a little long.


My Friends are divided into 3 groups - those friends that I have met from school, work, some who do not have email etc.; those who love the chihuahua breed and my Stroker Brothers and sisters. Time is divided into weeks in reference to babies, months as they grow older and later we count years. There comes a time when milestones are celebrated in segments of 5, such as anniversaries. A few of you may not know this but, At about 11 pm, I celebrate the 1st milestone of my brain bleed. I am a survivor and as such wear a lightning bolt charm on a chain around my neck; I have earned it. LOL! It is the international symbol ofstroke because it strikes just as quickly. I was very lucky - the bleed was in the cerebellum area of the brain which leaves one with the symptoms of having lifted their elbow too many times. The areas affected are numb not paralyzed. I had a friend who called everything an experience and how true that is. Except for the first 6 days when I was zonked out of my gourd to allow my brain a chance to heal, it has been very interesting seeing the workings of the brain. I never thought much about that funny organ and what it would be like when it didn't work, but as survivors, we all agree we learned fast. If you are in the other two groups, consider yourself lucky, because with stroke your life will never be the same again. In time we learn acceptance and through hard work we make the best life available for ourselves. It is difficult for me to have an easier time than many of my sisters and brothers and like non strokers I can't imagine their problems. I do want to say something to the non strokers reading this. we are the same people we have always been. We just do thinks more slowly, speak more slowly, are perhaps a bit clumsy because we struggle with one hand or not our dominent hand etc. but our hearts are in the same place, we love being accepted as a friend and we hurt when many don't call as much or at all. We've discussed this and can't decide whether it is brought in front of you and although it is not catching, you stay away from fear the same may happen to you, or if someone has never been as blunt about it as I have. This is my gift to my brothers and sisters- to start a spark of knowledge about the way we feel and also the ice cream and cake at chat tonight- virtual of course, so no calories or sugar. LOL! And to the non strokers, my gift to you is that if you or a loved one find yourselves as a survivor or caregiver, come to us; we are the experts and will help you find the way. We also have a writing called A message from your brain. I will email it to any of you who may be interested. It is a very powerful piece. So today, Happy anniversary to me and back to working toward perfection tomorrow.



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Congratulations on your anniversary sweetie. Your blog was beautifully written. Stroke sucks but we are playing the hand that was dealt to us, some are able to do it better than others but we're all on this journey in one way or another. We must remember we survived this thing called stroke for a reason, NOT as a punishment.



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happy anniversary dear phyllis. you have walked many a mile to get to this point. i pray you have many more years to celebrate. each one of us will be right beside you along the way. i hope you treat yourself special todayl. please know you are loved and admired for handling the stroke demon twice. i wish you the best life has to offer you. have a great day.

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hi phyllis,


congratulations on your anniversary!! thank you for expressing your thoughts in a profound way. i'm glad you're among us and i wish you many more years! i'm sure you and snooty are celebrating in your own special way. hope you go out and get yourself a beautiful orchid plant to treat yourself. keep going forward and never give up!!

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Hi Phil


I guess I need to throw my hat in the door first eh. To see how it plays. LOL


Congratulations on your one year anniversary. (explains a few things)


I was missing you and thought of you often.


I have posted on the Harmony Lane Blog that I am closing it down and shifting focus to the three blogs that I have chosen to develop into the future. (the links are at the bottom of this post) Don't worry there will always be welcome mat at the door and a stock of Pepsi for you in the fridge. lol


Your blog post is so powerful and to the point. ONLY a stroke buddy can have a reasonable understanding for what another stroke buddy has had and continues to live with.


When I say stroke buddy I include caregivers in that group because in my eyes caregivers are survivors too.


This is a very special journey with a very special group of brothers and sisters.


We live our new normal lives with a higher awareness of the value of life.....every day.


Great to see you post again Phil.


Talk soon and Smiles :)



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Happy anniversary dear sweet lady you have achieved perfection!That is so very beautifully written and not of the hand in any way of a damaged brain.Friends of all groups lives including canine are far richer for knowing you. You are truly a gem
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hi phyliss,

i am sorry i missed your stroke anniversary. congratulations to you! your blog was great. cheers! kathy[

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