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Just a short note



Just a quick note today. I am off to Duluth to get another key made for the new car. These days you don't just get a key made at the local hardware store for cars with all of this security. The Kiwi Bird will fly again soon and bring you all up to date on the trip to New Zealand, probably a week or so.


Tomorrow is the big bread day at the market, so today she will be baking. I fired the oven yesterday so that she will not need much of a fire today to bring it up to the proper heat. It was still about 400 degrees F inside this morning.


I carried the canoe into the woods a few days ago, no fish but had the lake to myself except for the eagles, etc. I have decided that I will have to give into age and get a lighter, shorter canoe. The one we have is a bit much for me to handle alone, too long in the wind, and putting rocks in the front the other day for ballast I fell into the water. Only about a foot dxeep, but also about 55 degrees! Cold and wet!


Lesley just got home, so off I go!


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Wow, fresh bread...droool...yummy. I can imagine the wonderful aroma, wish I could be there to beg for a free sample.


Looking forward to details of Lesley's trip details and anecdotes being posted in her blog.


I agree with the problems with ageing, I can't carry what I used to either, bags of compost etc , any distance, uphill etc once hardly raised my breathing rate, sadly the years have altered that and I have to stage it more. Boo hiss.


Have fun with fishing the lake, I envy you that one.



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Hey George,


I envisioned being out on the water with the eagles soaring overhead - beautiful sight I'm sure. Tried NOT to envision plopping into 55 degree water though brrrrrrrrrrr. I too look forward to hearing all about New Zealand when Leslie has the opportunity.


Hmmmmmmm, yummmmmmmmm, the smell of homemade bread. Warm homemade bread with peanut butter- now I must clean off my keyboard from drooling.

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