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Not as good a day...



Hi Everyone


Kyle's mom posted an update today around noon our time. Here it is.



Darlene Jay wrote

at 12:26pm

Well it is yet another wet day in Halifax. Kyle is feeling rotten today as high fever and sick. Either an infection or flu. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow as we hear PEI is getting closer.



Sorry to hear that Kyle is under the weather. It always seems rottener when you already got the fight of your life going on.


Do hope you are on the mend soon Kyle. It's hard to fight when you feel lousy.


Smiles :)




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Hope Kyle can battle and overcome this latest hurdle. He's such a trooper. Hugs and prayers he feel better soon and can get back to his therapy.


Getting over the 'bug" post stroke is so much more of a pain as you feel doubly worse.

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I hope and pray for your speedy recvery from this latest hurdle in your life. I don't know why but things always gets delayed when you are looking forward to that next phase of your life at another rehab facility. I think maybe to make that more sweeter when you get there. Don't worry about it sooner or larer you will get out of these bad phase of your life. till then give great fight & fingr to this stroke. and now flue too :)






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