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Two seperate worlds



It has almost been 4 years since my stroke and I am living in two very different worlds. One is the world of thoes who knew me before my stroke and the oyher is thoes that have known me since my stroke. My realations with thoes that now me now is very supportive and positive, while thoes that I knew before is quickly diminishing. The pre-stroke people continue to find any excuse possible to blame my stroke on me. The fact I really don't have a history of excessive drinking, and have been 100% sober since my stroke has gone over everyone's head. It is really becoming time for me to decide which world I want to live in: and the choice is really obvious. The damage and hurt caused by thoes pre-stroke people can never be made up for. I have learned one very important lesson from the Bible: it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. My sibling units are only concerned for themselves and thier money. Basically, I have gone through one of the most tramatic event anyone can go through, and Teddy has been the only one to care about me.

I have made contact with an attorney, and I think a lawsuite can be the only way to resolve the situation. n a way my sibling want to just write me off like President Kennedy and his family did to JFK's sister. Just send me to an institution and forget about me. I don't think so so. "I'll be back".


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You sound a great deal less angry the past few months. I think that speaks for that you have already made the choice. Try not to throw yourself back into a place where no one loses but you. You've really come so far and seem to have some peace of mind now. As you've seen and been told by us many times some people just will never get it and are not worth it...so why bother? Most of us have experienced this with friends, but I'm sure it has to be tremendously more devastating and incomprehensible when it is family.

Try to stay focused on Teddy and those you have around you now who care about you and are positive and supportive. You know you also always have us because we care about you and will always be your friends.

Maria :friends:

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I think & truly believe forgiving someone is gift you give to yourself and not others. you need to forgive & move on such that you get to the nonhurting place in your life




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May you find peace within and move on with your life. We cannot change the ignorance of others as much as we might try. The Lord closes one door and opens another. Your open door is your present. Take a day at a time and keep plugging.

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