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Teddy the great white (and black) hunter



Recently quite a few rabbits have shown up around here. Teddy has really taken an interest in them. He loves chasing them but thoes 'waskly wabbits' don't play fair. They know he is on a leash and know to stay just far enough away from him. Teddy doesn't give up. At least one rabbit likes to hide in a small drainage pipe. Teddy will just set, or even lay down waiting for a rabbit. There are times I have to literally have to drag Teddy away from that pipe! He is having fun, and that what really counts. He likes to sit out on the pourch looking for rabbits. I bought him a small padded bed for him to lay on, but so far he prefers a towell or just lay on the wood floor.

He has also gotten a bit lazy. He used to really enjoy taking a morning walk with me before I get my pills, and he got a treat. He now knows that about 9:00 am one of his aunties will come to walk him, he will not budge until they come to takehim for a walk. He still gets his treat though.

I went to the wheelchair clinic at the VA on Wednesday, and they are going to get me a new chair. :happy new yea: They asked me what color I wanted. At first I just wanted the basic black, but I looked at some of the colors available. The chair will still be black, but I cose a toxic green for the highlights. Actually the toxic green is a nice color, I think I chose it because of its name. They said it would take 6 weeks, we shall see.

My therapy continues well. I am having a little trouble walking on the carpet with my kafo :head_hurts: , but I am improving. Maybe next week I can start walking to the dining room by myself. I have done some walking on my own a bit. I just need to do more. I had a substitute therapist yesterday and he took me outside for the first time. Actually, it was a bit easier since there was no carpet.

As par for my brace, one of the straps fell off yesterday. So far it isn't a problem. I can actually lock the brace much more easily.

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hey Doug:


I am so encoraged by your therapy news. walk more not just to dining room but going to bathroom and start setting yourself small goals and start accomplishing them. life will become more easier. your Teddy is smarty pants. he really have you wrapped around his little toe.




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