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getting ready to leave



Well, why is it that as soon as you think life is settling down it speeds up again? I have been cleaning, washing, tidying, to get the house ready to leave. Add a lot of cooking/freezing to do as all of a sudden everyone is leaving me vegetables and of course I have to process them all before I go away. At least now there will be plenty of lovely soup in the freezer for those "too tired to cook" nights when I get back.


I am having some more trouble with the care provider. Why do they employ pople who don't listen? Then maybe they woud know where the cleaning cloths etc are and CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES!! We had *H* a nice looking woman in her late thirties. She seemed competent enough but she shouts at Ray. I know that on a list of ailments "dementia" probably comes next to "deaf as a post" but he is not hearing impaired. So on Monday before I leave I will ring the case manager and explain yet again and maybe the next person will just speak to him in a normal voice.


A full day tomorrow as we will go to church in the morning and I had said we would look after our three close-by grandchildren in the afternoon while their Mum and Dad go to the movies. I haven't given them a break for a while so don't begrudge them one. I know how welcome breaks for the "couples nights" were when I was raising my three kids. We had to be able to afford a babysitter every now and again so we did get those times. Just as well we can still help out in small ways. I'm looking forward to them being here.


Ray has had a few days of extra confusion lately, don't know why that suddenly shows up again. He is also staying up later at night but trying to sleep in in the mornings so his timing seems to be out of whack. We will have to be up and at the table by 7am in Cairns so he will have to get out of that habit. Maybe as well I might get him out walking in their back yard, I won't have Jeff to exercise him so will have to try and keep him moving and motivated myself. (Even writing it down here makes that seems so unlikely).


It is a big job looking after Ray while we are away. I know the family are there and not having to cook meals is really a plus, but I have to help him dress, shower him etc. I am still responsible for all the A.D.L's he can't do on his own. So this time I am taking his medications pre-packed ( we call it a Webster pack) so I don't have to sort them out in the morning each day. I will keep the clothes we are taking as simple as possible, mostly wash-and-wear to make laundering easier. With the warmer days clothes should dry quickly and easily. In tourist towns you can get away with just a few changes of clothes so we should blend in okay....lol.


I visited Mum on Friday and together we did our normal multiple laps of the facility. I told staff I would be away for a couple of weeks. I went to visit my old friend in the hostel only to be told he is back in the hospital again. I suspect his heart is failing. He has just turned 90. He looked after his wife for eleven years, it was a big strain on him as towards the end he did everything for her. I was talking to his sister and she said he should have put her "in a home" a long time before she died. Probabaly true of course but like us he made the choices he was comfortable with. He has had a lot of illness in his life and I have a feeling he has not long to go now. Dear old soul.


So tomorrow evening I will have one final re-check of the suitcase and pray for a nice quiet windless flight on Monday. There are hurricane force winds at the moment further down towards Brisbane in Queensland but the route to Cairns takes a big sweep inland so we should be fine....well I hope so anyway. I just love flying so that part of the trip is a delight to me. It is just that with Ray along it is not really the same. I still have responsibilities . I am not on vacation really, just having a change of scenery.


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Wishing you and Ray a super trip with the family. Relax when you can and have fun. You'll be missed but we'll hold down the fort to you return and provide us with your eloquent verbal view of the trip.

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I do hope that you will at least get some refreshment from the change of schenery. When I still had five kids in the house I remember refusing to call camping a vacation becuase it was all the same work just made more difficult! Still I managed to find some refreshment in being in the woods.


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Dear Sue,


It's so great you can take Ray with you on your vacation this time. I'm getting less and less inclined to do that. It is becoming more ad more difficult to manage even day trips. I sure hope you have a good time when you are away!


Love you, Ann

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may your travel be safe and enjoyable and your time spent with family filled with special moments and memories.

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we are going to miss yu here though I am sure you are ging to have lovely time visiting family.




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sue, you will be missed. i am praying you have a great time and alot of fun, you need this , i am sure. hopefully ray will enjoy it as well. be safe and expect to give us a full review when you return.

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