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Larry's doing better



Whatever was wrong earlier this week seems to have cleared - Larry's been in a good mood the last several days and has worked hard on all his therapies. His sense of humor and personality are really shining through, even though he can't speak. It is wonderful to see him still in there somewhere, which gives me hope that his amazing brain will find a way to get him OUT of there somehow.


Today being Saturday, there's not much therapy going on. The PT came in and did maybe 10 minutes with him in the bed, not much. After she left I had an idea and got the white board. I wrote "can you smile for me?" - he looked at it and gave kind of a grin and shrug of the shoulders. Then I wrote "can you lift your left hand?" and he did. I wrote "can you comb your hair?" and he picked up the comb! He can read, at least enough to get the gist of what I'm saying. I was shocked, but apparently he can. I'll keep trying to see what he can and can't do, but that's pretty amazing.


My dear friend Joy and Albert came to visit today, and Larry really enjoyed seeing them; he loves them too. He's had a lot of company over the past few days; I think he gets tired of only seeing me and it's nice when someone different is there.


When Albert came into the room, Larry right away used his left hand to raise his paralyzed right hand so that he could shake Albert's hand correctly. He raised the bed up to a sitting position so that he could "talk" to them better. It was clear that he was very pleased to see them. Joy sat on the bed and held his hand and he seemed to be very happy having her here. Company definitely helps his mood.


So, a pretty good day and I hope it continues.




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Glad to hear that Larry has had positive days and responding to his therapy. As others want to visit with him, let's hope they do not interrupt his therapy sessions. As important as seeing familiar faces is is as important that therapy is achieved. I remember when I was in rehab there were patients who used "company" as an excuse to get out of their sessions.

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As always good reports are always the best. My husband is very attached to me and never wants me out of his sight before or after the stroke. Still, he does seem to really perk up when there is someone new around. It seems that somehow he tries harder. It is great that you are getting such a positive response from Larry. Speech disorders are strange. Dick too could read but it took him a bit longer to get there.


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when I didnt see your blog I was worried, I am so happy for both of you for having good days. I am right now reading "change in weathr" by Mark McEwen who also suffered stroke which affected his speech & right side of the body. Maybe you can read Larry this book aloud.




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Asha, thank you for being concerned for me...I was off line for a couple of days and had to wait for our friend Albert to come over and figure out what had gone wrong with the network connection. It took him about 5 minutes, after I had struggled with it for hours. Embarrassing, but I'm just happy at this point that the darned thing works again.


The book sounds interesting. I'm going now to look it up on Amazon, then off to see Larry.


xxx's and ooo's


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