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Wow..Go away for a day and everything breaks loose!



Hello everyone


I was away for three days to Nova Scotia on a work assignment (volunteer) and just got home late last night.


Well there has been a good deal of activity from the J Room. I will begin with the posts by Kyle's mom Darlene.



Darlene Jay wrote

at 8:26pm on May 29th, 2008

hey everyone. Kyle had a good day today feeling some better. Just watching Pinks in his chair. Got his head shaved again tonight and is loving it. Well looks like Kyle will be spending his 19th bday in Halifax but for sure the 20th one will be the party. We are all hoping for the Island next week. Have a good night.


Darlene Jay wrote

at 7:46pm on May 30th, 2008

hello to everyone. Kyle had another great day lots of laughs and feeling good. He is now 137lbs getting a little belly on him. This tube feed is fattening him up better than smokes and honeycombs. Unfortunately we have to be here for Kyle's 19th tomorrow but there will be a few surprises tomorrow to bring a smile to his face. Take care and hope to see you all early next week!



Darlene Jay wrote

at 5:51pm

Well the time has finally come and we are coming home tomorrow. Kyle is so excited as we are as well. Can't wait to see you all.



Along with Mama J's posts there have been at least another 49 posts since Thursday nite bringing Kyle birthday wishes as Saturday May 31st was Kyle's 19th birthday. (legal drinking age here in Atlantic Canada)


The post from earlier today is really the celebration as Mama J is announcing that Kyle is coming home to Prince Edward Island tomorrow.


I will do my very best to get in to Charlottetown to visit and meet this amazing young man.


So good news from the J room for sure!


Please continue to keep Kyle in your prayers and encourage him in any way that you can.


We all hope that he is building a stroke story for the record books. Goooo Kyle!!!


Smiles :)




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hey Kyle:


since ur buddy was out we missed your birthday, so it's Gary's fault. wish you many happy returns of the day Kyle. I am so glad you are going home. Now the real post stroke journey begins in discovering new you and loving new you. I wish and pray for your strength in this coming months. just know that all these uncles & aunties have done it before you and if they can do, you wil breeze through it. I will tell you secret start counting your blessings even on crummy days.


hugs &prayers


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Happy belated birthday Kyle and here's to many many more. Glad to hear you're going home - Whoohoo. Keep up the good work. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. You are a remarkable young man.



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Hi Asha and Donna


Thanks for your encouraging comments. As far as I know Kyle transfered to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown today. (Unit 7 Rehab, where I did my rehab back in 2002 )


There has been no posts today so I will wait till his mom puts up a post to let us know for sure before I do a new blog post.


The hospital was on the local news tonight as there is a bad virus making rounds. Hand sanitizers are in mandatory use and visitation is restricted to immediate family members only.


So...I guess I will just have to wait a little longer before paying Kyle a visit.


Smiles :)



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