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i'm getting things done



Hi everyone

Iv'e been working hard getting apointments and filling out papers and well tommorrow will be my last apt until June 25 and I'm glad because I need a break.


The apt on the 25th i'm looking forward to its with a md and maybe I'll bet some help with the pain.

Now what really on my mind


Iv'e gone fron a size six pant to a 10 in 11 months

I take thyroid med for hypothyroid but I'm not going to blame it on just that

It seems that I can't get motivated to do something about the lbs on my waist and butt!!!!

I tried walking but my rt hip and foot hurt so much a friend had to come and get me I could not make it home. That was very disapointing and made me mad I felt week and at war with my body.


So this is my plan.

1. go to dr and get help with pain and get check up for chest pain.

2. ask him If I need surgury to close the whole in my heart

3. ask dr what I can do safely to loose weight

4. get healthy so I can do my rehab and vocatiional trainning



So thats my short term plan



Tommorrow I'm going to the nursing home and ask if I can volenteer there a couple of days a week.

I need this for myself and I realy would like to be usefull.


I'm tired of only thinking of myself, it's time for someone other that me me me lol


I thank god everyday for One more day to share with my beloved animals.


Life was so easiy before and now everthing is a chalange. I try to remember how lucky I am. I can communicat, eat, pat my animals, and even laugh.


Life can be what ever you make it, so I'll make it the best I can.


I'm afraid this post is not so interesting but thats my life. lol


Thanks for Listning

Do you think I have a good plan if not what would you change. I welcome feed back. Did I forget something I should be doing?


I'll let you know what the nursing home says


thanks Sherry



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Glad to see you made it through your week at rehab and are safely back to your keyboard we missed you.

As you can see by the weight loss forum, that also seems to be a common issue with stroke. I have always been a size 8 also and always been petite. Thanks to the wonderful side effects of some of the anti convulsants I've been on and living life at a snail's pace, I've slowly worked my way to a size 14 over the past 3 years. I've never been into junk or fast food. I still eat the same so the fact that I can't get it off really perplexes me. I expressed my concern to my doctor because I said at this size I'm a sure candidate for a heart attack. His level of concern was about the same as when I was whining about my hair. The only way I see to get my wrists and neck to match my butt again is to run and move fast enough to increase my metobolic rate.

It's great to hear you're going to try volunteering. It will be great for you to get out and your strengthwill be inspiring to others....the feedback you'll get will help you see how far you've come.


Maria :friends:

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hey Sherry:


I don't find your post boring, I rather find it inspiring. you have great attitude. attitude of gratitude brings so much peace and harmony in life. It's always good on what you can do then what you can do. I think for weight control you will start to look at the portion control since we can't move fast enough to burn those calories. I hope you get good information from your doctor.




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