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How I got the sad news



It was a beautiful day,,,,excited to see my nuerologist,,, excited to show her how well I was doin after the stroke......Now that I am walking again,,,and can get around just like before (tho emotionally struggling but fighting)..I have my new job,,building my new life..and now planning to get married......


There I was waiting for my turn...


"Next" the secretary called....



My neurologist told me during my last check up to visit her if ever I'm planning to get married. She did not tell why,, and

I did not bother to ask. I thought maybe she needs to run some tests.


Now its my turn.


" Hi Doc,...."


" How are you "


" I'm OK doc,,i'm back working,,,got a new job"


" Are you sure your OK"."


" Yes DOC "


" Let's see"


Again the nuerologist tests...she made me walk in a straight line...made me watch her finger move from left to right,,,up

then down.... ( she justs wanna check how my eyes roll ) ...my arm up then down...


" You're doin great!" , she said,


" Doc,,you said I should get back here if ever I'm planning on getting married...Here I am doc,planning to get married,, is there any tests I should undergo?..how much will it cost doc....so that I will pepare myself...."


She kinda shook her head and gave a little frown... then she said " I want you to come back not undergo anymore tests,,, but just to tell you that now your planning to get married,,you;ll probably have a baby and ... you'll probably get a stroke again..."


I froze...and with hope said.." Isn't there a way doc?"........again she shook her head.


" The medication that I'm taking doc...cant it protect me from stroke?"


" You cant take that when your pregnant. It'll harm the baby"


I talked to her more and asked for an option,,,even offered a possible way,,,but her answers give no hope..


I went home with a broken heart. I am left with no choice. I couldnt do anything but just cried.


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((((HUGS))) to you dear - wish I could be there in person to offer my shoulder. It will take some time and prayers to digest this news from your neurologist. Adoption is an option for you and so is having a surrogate mother. In time, you and your fiance will determine which is best way for you two to go.

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hey noboundaries:


I know as much as it hurts that maybe pregnancy is not an option same like me but maybe in time you can think about adoption or surrogate mother.


lots of hugs and wishes



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as we all have learned, life goes on after stroke. as much as you were hoping to have a baby, that will be too risky. you do have a choice and there is hope. there is adoption and a surrogate. the love between you and your husband-to-be will guide you as you decide what to do. your love will sustain you and your relationship. love will find a way...it will just take time and faith.

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I am sorry that your doctor gave you such bleak news. I don't know what type of stroke you had so I don't know how anything I say will help, but whatever the reason there is a good possibility there is something nutritionally might really help you.

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If you are meant to have a child stroke or no stroke God will give. My husband & I & 2 daughters 7 & 9 @ the time were in the process of adopting 2 children from the State before I had my bleed & stroke. To make a long story short after months & months of rehab the adoption went thru. My older girls are now 21 & 20 and son is 17and daughter 15. It hasn't been all rosy but has been a blessing. I would consult w/ a obstrecian (sp) baby Dr. Just an idea. Don't give up hope, life does go on after a stroke!


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