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bad news



I'd just like to thank everyone for your comments and replies to my last entry and topic on the forum. Im so thankful you all are in my life! but I do have bad news. On Tuesday I fell down. I don't know how I fell. I checked to make sure my shoes were tied and they were, I tried stepping on my pants leg but it was not long enough to trip me. I really dont understand what exactly caused me to fall. Lately, I've been thinking I want to go to the neurologist just to make sure everything is ok. The fall kind of scared me and lately I have been having headaches. I have an appointment with my pain management doctor later this month. When I fell, I bruised my left hand on the carpet and I landed on my left side so everything was sore for a while. I also heard my knee pop so I have been wearing the arthritis brace I bought from Wal Mart because my knee pops a lot and it just hurts. The doctor told me to take motrin or advil for the pain but I dont like taking too many medicines as I am already taking baclofen for spasticity and keppra for seizures.

More bad news is I got the letter back from the DMV and once again they still dont feel like I should drive. It really hurts because since my birthday is next saturday I was hoping to get my first car and everything was a waste of time; taking driver's ed for 4 weeks of my summer, saving up for a car, taking that long driver test with OT, taking the vision test, waiting and calling for a month trying to find the lost faxes. Everything was all for nothing. Maybe I should move to another state and get a 2nd opinion? Or maybe I should just move to New York and take the subway for the rest of my life? All I want to do is be independent. I hate the thought of spending the rest of my life in the passenger seat with my mom or dad driving me everywhere, the thought of being dropped off and picked up like a kid at daycare. It seems like everything in my life has changed for the better except my vision, my hand, and my foot. My birthday is next Saturday but the only thing I want is the one thing I cant have :(


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Sorry you fell dear girl! Anytime I've plopped on the floor, it has scared the living daylights out of me for some time. It's been quite a while (knock on wood :BashHead: ) but most of the time I couldn't pinpoint what happened. If your headaches continue, you might want to see the neuro to be sure nothing is wrong.



I feel for you regarding DMV -that stinks. I know you want your independence, that is understandable - I'm in the same boat - but mine is for financial reasons as I cannot afford a car. It stinks having to rely on others to take you places, I know.



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hi katrina,


you may want to get examined by a doctor to make sure you're okay, and you shouldn't wait too long. so sorry about the setback, but i am sure in time, the injuries will heal and things will get better for you. perhaps you can find state or city transportation for the disabled to get you to where you need to go. hang in there, stay positive and take one day at a time.

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sorry about your fall It is so different when we were kids & just learning to walk falling & getting up was part of growing up. I guess post stroke we can view it same way though it hurts more. glad you are healing and hopefully is nothin big deal though it's good idea to run by doctor & make sure nothing is wrong. So sorry about your transportation.BTW have you looked into recross medical transportation and county transportation services


lots of hugs,



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katrina, i am so sorry to hear of your fall. ouch!! things happen we don't always understand. but i'm glad you only had minor boo-boo's. i think a trip to the neuro is a good idea, just to check everything out,esp. the headaches. it could just be stress, but just to be sure, go to the doctor, please. the driving thing, i know you want so badly. maybe the timing is not right for you right now. don't give up yet. use other means, like your other aunties suggested. enjoy your summer and relax for awhile. don't think all you've done to get your license was for nothing. just not now. try and keep your spirits up. don't get down on yourself for something you can't control. all good things come to those who wait. hang in there sweetheart and look forward to your birthday, that will be a happy day for you and family.

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