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Things are getting better



Well, I was about half way through this post and somehow lost what I was typing, so I hope this doesn't show up twice.


My dear step-son, Eric, was here all day helping me clean out the garage. There is now law and order in what was previously an anarchist arachnid heaven, but the down side is that there's a trash pile about 25 feet long that extends from the front of the garage out to the back gate and down the driveway. I have a dumpster scheduled for next weekend, so I will have to deal with moving it all into the trash then. In the meantime, I'm sure my neighbors are thrilled - I am definitely the eyesore of the block this week.


Meanwhile, my friends Joy and Albert were here installing the Web cam. The camera works, but Albert is still working on getting the streaming video set up. Joy created a MySpace page for me, which I can apparently use to view the video once that's done. I have no idea what any of this means, but apparently once it's all done I'll be able to watch what goes on in Larry's room, and then set can set up other cameras throughout the house. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family; I could not do this on my own. Without them I would be off line, unable to watch the TV (the remotes - aargh!), have nowhere to put Larry when he finally does come home, and have a packed garage. I've always been something of a loner and a recluse, and never really appreciated how much those connections really mean, so the entire experience of Larry's stroke has been a huge lesson in humility for me. I've never wanted to, or had to, ask anyone for help in my entire adult life, but now I find myself needing a lot of assistance, and that means having to be vulnerable and willing to reciprocate when someone needs ME. I've said this before, but I really do feel as though I'm finally growing up, at age 50 (!), and that although I would never wish this on anyone not all of the effects of the stroke are negative. I'm definitely less selfish than I was 6 short weeks ago, and have learned a lot about the value of family and friends.


I feel like things are moving forward. There is still so much to be done before Larry comes home, but it's all getting done and I'm doing the best I can. I'm not in panic mode the way I was at first, especially now that I feel like he's not going to be kicked out of the SNF and sent home before he's ready.


Larry had a pretty good day today. I didn't get to visit as much as I would have liked, because of the whole garage thing, but I did see him twice and he was in good spirits. Joy and Albert also visitied him, and of course Eric was there, so he had a lot of company and that broke up his day a bit. He was in better spirits than yesterday and not "in a mood".


Pretty good day, although I'm exhausted. After Larry had the stroke I swore that I would NEVER complain again about sore feet, or being tired, or anything else physical, because I can walk and move and I want to just be grateful for that. I do have to say though that my body is pretty worn out today (but I'm not complaining!).





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You were never selfish just very frightened and unaware of the inner strength which you possessed. You're not "growing up", but rather channeling that strength into the self confidence you need to make decisions without falling apart at every turn.

I've always tried to look at life's challenges as opportunitities from which to build strength...maybe the stroke thing I could have done without. "What does not destroy me makes me stronger". There's nothing wrong with being vulnerable and needing help; it's very different than being helpless, which you most certainly are not.

It's okay to complain. It's just being human. I swore if I could ever walk again I'd never complain about trivial nonsense. Three years later I walk fine and complain about nonsense all the time. I just try to keep in mind how fortunate I am to be here to have the opportunity to do so.

Keep up the good work lady you're doing a great job!

Maria :friends:



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I am so happy that you are finding blessings out of this stroke thing. Now I am sure you will do just great. challeges in life does makes us stronger and it feels great to know that we all ave that inner strength to get through this things.




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