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Not enough hours...



Being back to work is good in a way. It forces me to focus and to stay on track with all the things that I have to get done, and I needed that discipline. On the other hand it is tough to juggle my schedule along with Larry's needs. I've been at work since 7:00 AM, had a pretty high-stress meeting at noon (so no lunch break), and I have my last meeting of the day set for 7PM. I won't be home until probably 9:30 tonight. It's unusual that I would have this much packed into one day, but it does happen sometimes and it will be interesting to see how I manage it when Larry is home. I'm sitting at my desk at work now, taking a quick break before I have to leave for the 7PM appointment.


I saw Larry only briefly this AM at 6:15 before work, and I won't get a chance to see him at all this evening. I don't like not seeing him after work, but I can't help it today. I'm feeling as though I'm stretched pretty thin, and trying to take the best possible care of myself so that I stay healthy.


Larry's doing OK. Since the Lovistatin episode he's been pretty good, no fevers or any other complaints. He seems to be feeling well and is doing the full therapy regimen each day. I have to rely on what the therapists write in his chart each day, and it's fairly sketchy, but at least I have an idea of what's going on, and that's the best I can manage for right now. I wish I did not have to earn a living, but especially with the cost of Larry's care looming once the insurance runs out I have no choice!


So, nothing much new to report, just wishing I could find a way to cram more hours into the day. I don't know where it all goes, sometimes.




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One way to spend more time with him is not in the next bed. Slow down and just do the best you can at a normal human rate. You won't be much good to him financial or otherwise as his roommate. You don't need to cram more in, you can only do what you can do.

Be well,

Maria :friends:

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I am sure Larry will undestand if you can't o to hospital one day after work. life is sometime togh but I am sure you will breeze through it with flying colors.




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Well, you are both right. I visited this evening and he was fine, and did not seem at all unhappy that I hadn't been there last night. I went early this AM too, and he was so sound asleep tha the didn't know I was there.


I have a lot to do this weekend, but I'll try to relax a bit.


Thanks for helping me calm down...


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