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dizzy spells, headaches, 2 more days until my bday



Well I decided not to take no for an answer with the driving thing. I am now waiting to be scheduled for a hearing. One day last week after dwelling on the past, I got really upset and had a pity party. but instead of throwing in the towel, I decided I am going to go in front of the medical review board myself and make them allow me to atleast try for a learner's permit. My dad said he put the letter in the mail on monday and when i called today, it hadent been received yet but i was informed that I will be scheduled for a hearing as soon as they receive my request. If they say no at the hearing, then i'll have exhausted all of my options so i really hope they say yes this 3rd time!

I made an appointment with my neuro as you all suggested. Yesterday I had a really bad headache in left brain (which was different because I usually have them on right side of my head where brain was removed.) I also had a "dizzy spell." I rarely have dizzy spells anymore but I also had one saturday night. Saturday night while trying to fall asleep, i kept hearing knocking in my head and it wouldnt stop until i rolled over to my left side. i felt like i was dizzy but not having a seizure. i have been on seizure meds since 2001 and have not had a seizure since 2004 so i guess my dizzy spells are times i would normally hve a seizure but the meds kick in. i dont know but all i do know is i felt really dizzy having a bad left brain headache yesterday so i made an appointment with my neuro for july. I am kind of nervous as I have been experiencing lots of unexplained headaches and dizziness lately.

I do have slightly good news though. The lovely ladies I work with at my internship are taking me out to lunch tomorrow for my birthday which makes me kind of excited for Saturday to finally get here and my boyfriend has plans to make saturday my first happy birthday. (I have always cried on past birthdays.) So I have a little hope that this one will be better. (Nothing could be better than having a license to drive though). I hate the feeling of another birthday and no physical progress!


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hwy Katrina:


your driving thing wil happen maybe not in your time but in HIS time. sometimes we don't know his plans and sweat but give God aome time and he will show you his good side.


wishing you very happy birthday, I am sure it will b great birthday memory created by special guy.


please update us about ur doctor visit. will keep you in my prayers.



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anything worthwhile takes time. i wish you luck with the issue of your driver's license. it's nice of the ladies and your boyfriend to help in making your birthday special! remember to count your blessings. hope you find some relief with your headaches!

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Happy birthday. If I calculated right that should be for tomorrow. I, too, am hoping to drive again soon. I did renew my license this year and was walking using my walker and nobody said anything about restricting my driving. I just won't drive until I feel as though I will be safe in doing so. Different states are also different in how they handle things.

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