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2 months since last blog - very low profile



Dang, two months since I last blogged. I've been keeping an extremely low low profile and I apologize for that. Been doing my duties on site but not much more than that. I dropped down into a royal funk - letting things bother me that I have no control over - getting worse by the day. I did see my PCP this past week and am now on meds for depression. This first week I'm taking 1/2 a pill once a day (celexa 20 mg). Next weekend I'll start a whole pill once a day. To see doc again on 7-21. She also prescribed elavil for me to take at bedtime as I've experrienced difficulty getting to sleep with affected arm and hand's numbness and tingling. Who'd think that 3 years post I'd be having all this stuff going on. Not only did my doc exam me but so did a student doctor (he'll probably change his career after dealing with my meltdown). On the plus side, rest of doc appt went very well - all other test results good. Between now and when I see her again, will get more blood work done, get new AFO, and make appt for pyschiatrist to further address this depresssion. I hate being weak. I was a Psych major but can't help myself.


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Guest lwisman


Good to see you back blogging Donna. Hope things start looking up for you. Ask Crystal and Lilly to help. :D

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It's okay to get in a funk every now and again with all you've been through. As long as you dust yourself off and remind yourself how lucky you are to be here. I know we are all very lucky to have you here.





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It is okay to get down every now and then as long as it doesn't last too long. I am glad you are taking some new meds for the depression. You have a lovely daughter and so much to live for. Be sure to take care of yourself.

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Donna ~ You have been such a blessing & so helpful & encouraging with regarding my hard time with my daughter. Thank you & God Bless you.

All the time you were hurting yourself, I'm so sorry for you, just want to give you a (hug). Did you feel it? I just want to encourage you now. i get in a funk, to hard on myself alot of the time, saying the wrong thing to those i love the most..When I open my mouth to speak things come out so different than how I'm thinking in my head. You take now my friend & know I'll say a little prayer for you.....Nancy

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Hi Donna


Happy to see your blog post (that is a positive accomplishment) You have always been so positive to me that I want to say something to just lift you up.


I hope the new meds do the trick and that things are going better for you now.


Wishing you the very best Donna and looking forward to more blog posts....


Smiles :)



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Think of it this way Donna, there are a lot of people that love you...even here in this home... a whole world away.


We love you, we love you lots.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I was in the middle of leaving a commet here the other day.... I have a new computer... which has a key.... that lands you..... GONE


I am so sorry you have been down. I hope the new medication works well for you without a bunch of adjustments.


It is definately Extremely Hard not to try to control the things we can't.. I guess it is our nature.. to want to have things a certain way..


Even when you are laying low here.. We know YOU are here because the board is all tidy, the help line is answered... and all is well in our cyber world. So even if you are bein quiet.. you are being thought of and truly appreciated for all you do here.


As with all the voluntees behind the scenes who keep the dust bunnies out of the corners and the cob webs under control


sending loads of HUGS and happy thoughts your way.


Bonnie :D



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I just want to send hugs to you from India. I hope you are feeling good right now. I know you will be able to get out of this funk mood. you are strong woman with great strength to get through all the hurdles in life. you are woman, and there are many around this world who loves you for what you are.




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