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Dave spent last week in hospital last week, he had/has been extremely dizzy to the point of almost losing consciousness. The "local" dr's determined it was NOT his heart. His cardiologist is not of the same line of thinking.


He has an EEG next week finally, I am torn between hoping they find something and can fix it and not wanting to find anything and all these symptoms just disapear and fix themselves...... his blood pressure is all over the map, he can't hardly walk 20 feet without getting all pale sweaty and dizzy.


Wednesday was a bad day for me, I got up about 5:30 am, I love that time of day, so peacefull listening to birds waking up cooing (morning doves) Dave usually gets up about 9ish.... I had fallen back to sleep outside in the lawn chair and woke up when he joined me oustide. I was just sooooo tired and had such a headache from all the stress lately, that we decided that we had to take the day off from worrying and such. I had two naps that day did absolutely NOTHING and went to bed about 8pm, boy did i feel refreshed thursday...... like a new woman ready to tackle the world again. It's amazing how your body tells you to stop and recharge. It was a great day of just cuddling with Dave and the two furbabies. Thank goodness there were left overs in fridge as well, so i didn't even have to really cook. :)


Now I have to convince Dave that he needs to go to Dr's again, he is having a problem with blood in the toilet after he goes to the bathroom. I am hoping and praying that it is nothing major, but it has to be addressed. He has lost 7 lbs the last week as well, which is a bit troublesome. He has no appetite, only eats when he has to take his insulin, Which is not like him, I am usually battling with him to get out of the refridgerator and stop eating so much. He has an appt with primary care first week of July, but I would like him to get in sooner...... if he has lost a couple more lbs by monday he will have to go, this is not normal for him.


So between, the blood pressure being all over the chart, blood in stool, losing weight, and being dizzy to point of almost passing out, something major is going on. I have been documenting all this so I can give it the dr.


If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please share them with me.... I would really appreciate it.


thank you and hugs to all






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Anne, there are so many ups and downs when you are caring for someone. It all seems so uncertain and that is very tiring, stress all the time can really drain you.


Hope next week goes much better for you and you get some answers to what is happening to Dave.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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hi anne, i am so sorry dave is having problems again. you both have been through so much. i bet you were exhausted and needed to rest up. i hope the dr visit goes well and you get some clear answers as to what is going on with dave. i pray that you and dave have better days ahead. hang in there you are a strong woman and you are doing a big job now and have done well thus far.

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