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Easy as Changing a Diaper!



Hoooo, boy! It's been quite a day. Larry is HOME, finally, and sound asleep in his new hospital bed, which was delivered at the 11th hour by the DME company. I thought for a while today that I would have to put him on an air mattress on the floor, but fortunately almost everything got here before Larry did.


Eric and I went to get Larry late this afternoon. We loaded him into our van, which was not easy because the seat is so high. We probably should have brough the car, but it's so small that I don't know if it would have been any better. Anyway, once we got him home getting him out of the van and into the chair was much easier.


He was really happy to be home. Eric was here, and his daughter Cynthia, and our granndaughter Sammantha (age 3, and very excited about all of this!). We set Larry up in the library in his chair, and we all ate dinner in there and huddled around the air conditioner. I'm so glad that the day he came home turns out to be the hottest day of the year! Ugh.


Larry sat up for a couple of hours, but then got tired and we put him back to bed. Everone left, and it was finally just the two of us. I poured him a very small glass of wine (he probably should not have alcohol, given all his meds, but I don't think once will kill him), and we had a welcome home toast and just enjoyed the peace and quiet. Nobody in the next bed making loud and distressing noises...no nurses in the hallway talking at top volume at 2AM...just a quiet, normal evening. It was great. Larry leaned his head back and closed his eyes and relaxed more than I've seen him do in two months.


He started to get sleepy, and I decided I'd better change his diaper before lights out. I made the mistake of thinking that because I've seen it done a zillion time in the SNF, and because I've helped someone else do it, that this was the same as doing it all by myself. Let me just say: NO, it is not the same at all. I made a total mess of it; it took me 3 tries and 3 diapers to finally get it done, and the end result is about as sorry a diaper change as you could ever see. I ended up with a diaper that is lowriding in the front, with the back lost somewhere, probably up around Larry's shoulder blades. I finally just gave up; he was getting pretty frustrated, and tired of turning side to side for me. There are 2 pads under him and if he has a BM tonight, then I will deal with it in the morning. I just could not put him through any more of my ineptitude for one night. I can't believe how much harder it was than I expected. Oh well - I will have plenty of time to practice!


I'm looking forward to the weekend, which will give me some time to acclimate. We're not expecting company, and I think the two of us need to settle back into each other as a couple, and just get used to each other again. So much has changed, but hopefully some things are still the same.


Our cats are SO happy to see Larry. One in particular has been pining for Larry ever since he's been gone, and is sleeping on the bed with him now. They are certainly a picture!


Tomorrow and Sunday I'll be on my own. Scary, but I'm so glad that I don't have to visit the SNF anymore. It will be a lot better when I get used to the mechanics of how some of these things work, but for now I'm in the learning process and it will just take some time.


So glad he is home!





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Janine, welcome home to Larry and congratulations to you, you are a hands-on, bonifide caregiver!


I laughed out loud at your struggles with the diaper, Ray only has Depends so those are real easy. And he can use a urinal at night so that makes life easier for me too.


Make sure you pace yourself and get plenty of rest as it is so easy to overdo it in the first few weeks when you want verything to get back to "normal" again. The "new normal" will slowly evolve and that is fine, you just have to let it happen.


We will be here as your cheer squad anytime you need us so continue to keep us updated.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.



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Janine, what an exhilirating day. Please take care of yourself, too. Will be anxious to see how things go over the weekend.

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Congratulations :happydance: You and Larry must be so happy.


It seems like you can find something to smile about in things, which is good. That has helped me through alot of times as well. I hope you both had a restful nite's sleep.




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Welcome home, Janine and Larry. You did good, girl! I am amazed at how much you have grown since the beginning. You should be very proud of yourself.


I totally understand your comments about the SNF. Paul was so tired of going there. There is no privacy and some of the aides were so rude.


I think you will start noticing that Larry will begin to make adjustments and try to be more independent. Being in familiar surroundings is good for the morale. Expect mood swings. This is common when we try to adjust to a new way of living.


As sit here remembering my first weeks at home, I am surprised at how at peace I am with my life.


Good luck to you both.



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Hope the weekend goes well for you and Larry as you both acclimate to life at home. I can just imagine how happy your kitties were to have Dad home. They might be scared at first of all the equipment you've got and the noise once the bathroom remodeling starts, but they'll adjust as well and will "supervise" everything if they're anything like my furballs.


(((hugs))) to your both

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Guest lwisman




Congrats on getting Larry home. Aren't animals wonderful. I am a firm believer in pet therapy. Actually, my cat gets a bit too clingy sometimes. :D


One thing to think about long term is getting a running board for the van. My sister has one in her SUV and it makes it possible for me to sit on the seat (actually lean against it), and then use the running board to push myself up.


My car is much shorter. I bought it after my stroke and getting me and my rollater in and out where top priority.


It is good you are having some time without company. Even though Larry may enjoy guests, I am sure he gets tired quickly. This to will pass.



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Thanks, everyone. It's been good having day to ourselves. Not perfect...I am not the most skilled nurse, and in fairness he is not be best patient! But we managed to enjoy some time sitting on the patio watching the birds - like old times!

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I must echo Vi's words you've come so far in such a short time and if you had been told then you would be doing this now you would never have imagined you could. As you have learned you are a much stronger woman than you gave yourself credit for. All will be fine, it will be tough but you can handle it and we are here for you!!

Enjoy having Larry home in any way you can.

Maria :friends:

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