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Doctor's/Another infection



Along with stroke...me have various other diagnosis that doctor can not figure out why me have them...me have stumped some of the best neuro's in the country...including John Hopkins and Clevland Clinic...every doctor that sees me says WOW u have bunch stuff going on...if me had even .10 cents for every doctor/nurse said that me big rich...LOL....however is also very frusterating...the more the doctor seem 2 know the more them not able figure u out the quicker they seem 2 give up on u...me is still looking for a doctor that will actually listen 2 me...also doctor are all so specialized now...no one out there 2 look at the whole person...neuro,rehumi's, pscyhologists, psychiastrist, neruomuscular, epliptec doctors....me have seen them all still with no answer....however me is a fighter..me continue on looking...not so much 2 figure out what me have BUT for a doctor who will listen...really listen...when something new comes up be able 2 call him/her say what about this.....


Me have once again picked up another infection...me have a sinus infection from me kids...it really stinks...if u have had one u understand...also have a bursted blood vessel in eye...started 2 spread more today so looks really yucky...me kids say MOM what wrong u eye...LOL...seems me pick up every little type sickness that goes around...me think me paid for me own room at my GP's office...LOL....


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Hope you can find a doc to listen to you.


I worry all the time when my daughter gets sick, even with a common cold - sure as shootin, I'm going to catch it as well.


I'm now on a good multiple vitamin that I take every every day religiously to ward off the yucks I hope as the school year gets ready to start. Plus I get a flu shot each fall- got a few years left on my pneumonia shot.


Feel better soon (((hugs)))

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hey Marti:


same here I call my son petri dish of germs. his younger years were the tough ones as soon as he will get cold & cough. I end up getting it & it will last for few weeks. for you it's multiplied by 4. but once they grow little older things settle down a little. I hope you can find doctor who can listen to you.




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