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never cut your own hair with one hand



as usual the days fly by....i noted my third stroke anniversary on september 16th......looking back over these past years i see how far i have come. i have always been of the mindset, work hard enough and reach the goal. hard work is the answer to post stroke recovery up to a point and then a change of view and compassion for oneself is required. the actual day passed quietly......my sister and mom were visiting from colorado and we did girl stuff like lunch and facials. i guess time and attitude adjustments all help make life better for us, for our friends and family. i can mark the point when life began to improve for me post stroke...it was the day i found this site and realized that i was not alone :blah_blah: and there were people who really did understand my loss, fears and grief. thank-you! on another note, barry is back from his travels and yep, i managed pretty well while he was gone. i did eat quite a bit of cereal for dinner but i am a poor cook at the best of times. not to mention i shy away from stoves and other potentially harmful objects. when barry got home i did spend some serious down time cause i was pooped beyond belief. :tired: the hard part about being alone is being bone tired and then still having to do tasks. for some odd reason, when i was alone, i felt i needed to get my hair cut but i was unable to drive. now, often i get an idea in my head these days and i am totally focused on it. so i decided to trim my hair myself......warning, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS AT HOME...especially when youv'e only one hand and less than perfect eye sight. :wacko: i am happy to report it was repairable when my friend took me to the hair salon...but it is a bit shorter than usual.


it is raining for the third day straight as i write this....rather oppressive......i am looking forward to the fall months and the upcoming holidays. :party: it will be good to be back with family during these occasions.


not much else going on.......cheers! kathy


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I had to laugh at your hair cutting adventure. Even before my stroke I did not have the knowledge to successfully cut my hair. Though I admit I did cut it in college. But, when you are young you think you can do anything! Now a days I would not attempt it. Good for you to try. One never knows what one is capable of until you try it!


It is good that you managed ok when Barry was gone. It is true you have to be more careful when on your own. Not only could you burn down the house (LOL), but if you fell you would only have yourself to call 911. Hmmm...



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belated 3rd anniversary. give yourself lot of credit. only you can come this far, this site is blessing but you have to have that inner strength to go beyound your loss and come this far. you are one of the inspiring survivor. I knew it you will be fine without Berry, though your blog encouraged me to push my hubby alone for his conference. I want all of us to feel we can handle alone and he should not worry about us. hopefully I will report positives about my experience.


I always love your blogs




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Good for you , you are so Right.. push, and try... and don't give up... but we finally realize that some goals may be a bit out of reach.. and as life changes.we change also.


So pat yourselff on the back. I know hwat you mean about getting an idea and getting focused.. I did that for awhile.. it seems to be a bit better now..


I would never have attempted to cut my own hair.. I know many people who do ( and I went to Beauty school when I was young) but only attempted my own bangs.. and that was not always good..LOL I am glad your hairdresser could re do your hair.


I remember the first day I was left alone.. I thought oh... hmmm soup.. then i couldnt figure out how to use the can opener.. ) probably was a good thing, as I'm not sure I would have done well at that point getting hot soup out of the microwave.


MY Physical therapist had me start with a pan of cold water.. to practice getting it from the sink t the stove and back....


so if you do practice in the kitchen start with cold water so you can get the feel of the pan or bowl or?? and then if you dump it you will be chilly but not injured.


also a rocker knife .. I had one that was a hard plastic bowl with a rocker knife.. the bowl even had a little piece on the lip to attach the knife when done to keep them together.



Congrats on your 3 years... Bonnie

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Congratulations on year #3 post-stroke. What a long ride it has been and look at where you are today. It sure isn't easy and I like where you say life adjustments do finally come into play.


I am glad you did well while Barry was away. I'm 18 months post-stroke and I recall when my husband was away for several days when I was 9 months out. I was a little scared especially while showering...I kept thinking what would happen if I fell and couldn't get up. I had my cell phone nearby.


I imagine life on Cape Cod is really even more beautiful about this time of year. I visited there one time about 10 years ago and still have great memories.


My best to you.



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First dear Congrats on hitting the 3 year mark and on successfully managing while Barry was gone. Pat yourself on the back :You-Rock: for a job well done - well except for your one-handed hair cut :giggle: . Glad the salon could fix you up. I give you credit - that's one thing I have NOT attempted to do post.


I won't even attempt hair coloring on my own lol.

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Miss Kathy,

Congrats on your anniversary. September 16th! must be something with that date. Was my first wedding anniversary - although I do have 2 great sons and you as a friend as a result~ the Pollyanna syndrome strikes again.

How could a few wayward snips do anything to detract from that beautiful face? Please don't get any ideas about getting a Flowbee and vaccuuming your hairdo. I'd rather come up there and drive you before that. However desperate you get do not attempt to wax your own eyebrows with one hand it's not a good idea with 2 with 1-there's a good chance you'll never see again.

I'm glad you've finally come to the realization that you need to cut yourself a break. You can still be a perfectionist. We just have to be more realistic and reassess what is perfect for us now. Most times that's just doing the best we can. Life after stroke changes the dynamics. The only expectations you need to live up to now are your own and they need to be different than they were prestroke. It seems you are finally coming to realize that which is great! Now you will see what the rest of us do...you are still very intelligent, capable, interesting, warm, sweet and strong.

love you, xoxo

Maria :hug:

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