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easier to go into hospital than to come out



I had been in the rehab hospital 3 1/2 months and I wanted to go home big time. In order to have permission to go home there were conditions I had to adhere to. One, we had to have a meeting which included my parents, my brother and sister AND my ex. I was ok with my family being there but my ex? we had been seperated for 2 years and had a legal seperation so why did they want him there? I apparently did not have a say in the matter. 2nd condition I had to go live with my parents, give up my home, have everything I owned put into storage. Since no one in my family had big enough houses to store my stuff all in one place, they divided everything up and my stuff was all over the place, my car, my sister-in-law borrowed until I would drive again. It was like I wasn't coming back because they had divided everything up so my things were stored where they could be utilised. my brother got my wall unit that he installed in his living room and some boxes in his basement, his wife used my car, and so on . The famous meeting did happen and one of the nurses was there. Apparently she had issues about me leaving. this b.... rhymes with witch was always coming into my room and putting away my make-up bag in the drawer beside my bed, after she left I would put it back beside the sink because it was easier for me this way. This went on for a few weeks until she got the message that I wanted it there. So she stopped bugging me with that or so I thought. At the meeting she brought it up as a reason why I wasn't ready to go out into the world. I told them that was not a reason to keep me and that it wasn't any business of hers where I kept my stuff.Finally it was decided that I could be signed out if I went to live at my parents. They were all discussing my case as if I wasn't there. I felt like the whole world was against me. To this day I don't know why my ex was invited to this meeting. Its as if they were doing everything that I did not want. My opinion did not matter, they were talking about me but I had no say. They again made me feel like I would never again be in charge of my life.


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hey Marie:


My heart just broke reading this blog I can imagine what you must have gone through that ordeal. I hated it when hospital will ask or go through family and ignore as if you are either dumb or dead. I always fought hard against all those tests where they were still questioning my cognative abilities. I told them 1000 times even if I lost half my brain I still have lot more left than all of you combined. I am so sorry you had to go through so much pain after stroke




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hey Marie:


My heart just broke reading this blog I can imagine what you must have gone through that ordeal. I hated it when hospital will ask or go through family and ignore as if you are either dumb or dead. I always fought hard against all those tests where they were still questioning my cognative abilities. I told them 1000 times even if I lost half my brain I still have lot more left than all of you combined. I am so sorry you had to go through so much pain after stroke



It was hard at times but in a way it made me stronger. I like your comment about being more intelligent with half a brain than all their brains combined. That made me laugh. thank you
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