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a little girl with kids of her own



My parents felt they had to take me out of the hospital every weekend because most of the patients were much older than I and my mother thought it would be aweful for me to stay there when I didn't have any therapy. My parents went to the cottage every weekend and felt guilty about going because they wouldn't be there to visit me so the next best thing was to take me with them and that gave everybody a break. I was very sad at not seing my kids very often. My parents picked them up once in a while and brought them to see me, sometimes they woud bring the kids to the cottage also but no matter how hard I tried to be a mother to my kids, my parents treated me like a little girl in front of my kids. It was so frustrating. My younger son was a very picky eater so I needed to prepare soething he liked so he would eat. One day we were having hotdogs for lunch and my fussy eater had 2 hotdogs and he asked for another. I was so happy that he was eating finally that I got up to get him another. My father loudly says no he's had enough. I was so mad that he did that, again in front of the kids, didn't he see what he was doing to my credibility in front of my kids? apparently not, I was fuming, I went inside and told my mother what had just happened and she took his side and told me that he was in his home (and I wasn't) what was I to do? What I should have done but was too spineless to do was refuse to go to his home with my kids. I was too afraid they would abandon me to stand up to them. My brother or sister would never have stood for that, I did, thats why they treated me like that.


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hey Marie:


I feel so sad reading your troubles with your parents just after your stroke. In all this you can see no one was wrong in their behaviour. you did what you thought was right for you and your kids & your father did what he thought was right in raising his own children. all of us learn from our parents and try not to d o same mistakes they did in raising us. no one is perfect. you need to forgive your parents that's the gift you give it to yourself.




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hey Marie:


I feel so sad reading your troubles with your parents just after your stroke. In all this you can see no one was wrong in their behaviour. you did what you thought was right for you and your kids & your father did what he thought was right in raising his own children. all of us learn from our parents and try not to d o same mistakes they did in raising us. no one is perfect. you need to forgive your parents that's the gift you give it to yourself.



You are right, I know my parents did their best, It still hurts when I think about it but I have forgiven them, its just hard to forget but I will in time.
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