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I made a new friend, Im happy



Yesterday I told a friend of mine who is in a wheelchair, about the Association of Individuals with Disabilities and how I am trying to get it started and he said he would join. So I am finally getting support. Then today I met another guy in a wheelchair and he said he would join. He told me there are actally 16 or 17 other people on campus in wheelchairs and there is a blind professor on campus. And I thought I was the only disabled one! I really enjoyed talking to him. He didnt go into detail of how he got into the wheelchair but we talked for about an hour. He told me about how his wife left him 3 years after his accident because she couldnt take him being in the chair by himself, in his chair. He told me about how he works, go to school, takes care of his two kids, and volunteers at the rehab center. It was motivation I really needed. He also told me about the APA. He is actually a pro at playing pool from his wheelchair and he has a friend who is better than him and uses one hand to play pool. He told me a story of a quad who started walking 7-10 years after the docs said he'd nevr walk again. He told me about how he exercises his legs at the gym and not just is arms even though he is paralyzed waist down. He reminded me that anything is possible. It was so motivating especially knowing that it has been 7 years for him just like me and he still has so much hope. I put a couple of things on my to do list:

1. Learn how to play pool so I can feel like Im good at something besides school

2. Exercise my left side

3. Believe anything is possible

4. Never give up hope

5. Attend the stroke support group and tbi meetings at the rehab center

6. Volunteer with rec therapy helping the stroke and spinal cord injury patients

7. Dont be afraid to get my club out there and be an advocate for people with disabilities

I actually feel like he was a blessing sent to me. The perfect motivation 3 days before my 7 year anniversary. Confirmation that my labor for this club might not be in vain. and another reason to be proud to be a survivor. After we talked, I walked away with pride. I didnt care that my arm was bent. I wanted people to see me as different to see me as inspiration. For once this year I actually wanted my disability to be obvious. I WILL be riding in the parade as Miss Disabilities on my 7 year stroke anniversary, I will be at the homecoming game, and I finally hung out with my friends from last year and they invited me to the step show with them. Thanks everyone for your prayers! I realized that the 1 thing that makes me most happy is when my disabilities are looked at as a blessing instead of a curse. When i get positive attention, when I feel appreciated, when I can help others with disabilities.

Right now it doesnt matter to me that I lost my "bestfriend" to her boyfriend. It doesnt matter that I havent gone to any of the homecoming events this week. It doesnt matter that I only got 2 As out of 5 of my classes on my midterm.

What matters is that I have been reunited with my old friends. I will be at the all 3 of the best homecoming activities on Saturday. I have As in the 2 clases for my major which is most important. I still have time to bring my grades up. I made a B in a class where I failed the first test.I made a C in a class where I failed the first test and my teacher hasent showed up since. And I am making a B in a class about vampires! Before I found out Im going to be in the parade, before I met my new friend, it was hard for me to find this motivation. So I am thankful for the blessings God sent to cheer me up including every one of you all who care about me :)



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Katrina that is wonderful news. I am so happy for you. We can actually feel the joy in your words. I am glad that things are looking up for you. If I may, I will suggest you print this entry of your blog and take it out once in a while when you are having a bad day because sorry to say, you will have them. Keep being positive and count your blessings everyday and I promise you will go far in this life.Good luck sweety and never stop hoping. There is Life after Stroke. You are proving it. A big hug for you. :friends:


Marie-Claire (mcd)

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WOW!!! Gotta tellya chicklet I had chills halfway through reading it and was crying by the end. Not all angels fly and wear wings sweetheart. God works in mysterious ways . You are probably an angel sent to him too. If things were hunky dorey again this year you might not have been there to be his angel ~ mysterious ways. You have to trust that if you leave your life in His hands He always has a plan and will always take care of you in His time. Don't forget about us and be a flat leaver now that you have better things to do.


Maria :friends:

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Fantastic news! I have thought about you daily and this is wonderful news. Friends can and do make a difference. Please continue to keep us posted.



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To our dear adopted Niece,


Yes Yes girl, print up this blog and hang in your room, preferably on a mirror or somewhere you look daily so you have the reminder on days when you're not feeling so motivated. There will be those days. With or without disabilities we all have crappy days. It's part of life. We all sit on the pity pot from time to time as well. We generally see that, if we allow ourselves to get out of the box we've shut ourselves in to, that there is more of life to see and experience.


Grab that golden ring girl as you ride the merry-go-round of life. You've got so much to offer.


It warmed my heart to hear the joy and your smiles in your words.

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This is great news. I have one suggestion - put #3 on your list as #1. All things are possible with God.




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I am so happy for all good things in your life. trust me chiclet(I loved what Maria called you). you still lhave ots of blessings in your life. I am true believer in things happen for a reason & for a good reason. if you will view your disability that way then stroke won't feel that bad. BTW one more secret life is full of roller coaster rides, there will be good days and bad days. when bad days do come. start counting your blessings, and you will feel great. volunteering at the rec is great ide areaching out to people is another step in becoming thriving survivor.




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Katrina, I can't tell you how happy that makes me, sound like 7 is your lucky number girlfriend. I agree with Maria, its funny the angels God sends sometimes are the least you would expect. I was already tearful before reading your post and bawling by the end of it. You cannot believe how bad I needed that Katrina. Today I was having my own little no big pitty party. Things have been well kind of hard this week and I needed to know that anything is possible, even when you think all is over.. its not. Thanks for the inspiration. It was so nice tohear you so happy. I think Im gonna call you free Bird instead of Caged Bird ok. Love Ya


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