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The right direction

Susan M


We are almost 5 months post stroke and still at the SNS. I get frustrated when I hear about people being home in 2 or 3 months and walking and talking again. I remind myself how large the bleed was and the fact that she was not supposed to survive and she needs time to heal. And healing she is. The doctor was beside himself that she moved her little toe on her affected side - he was very excited and said it was a huge gain. So I spent the rest of the evening staring at her foot - the only thing I saw was foot. Seeing is believing but this was the doctor who was excited and positive - why am I so afraid to be? May be because it may be the little toe and that's it. I think not.


Besides that other good things are happening: she is awake and in a chair or recliner the majority of the day. Her apraxia/speech has improved a lot! She is getting stronger and helping with her transfers and changing. Her balance is better. She is participating in conversations and reacting appropriately - amazing. She played rummy this weekend and after a few hands totally understood the game and then beat me - this the woman who did not know numbers or colors 2 weeks ago. She seems to be telling time and wanted her watch from home to wear. She is angry if they get her up late and she is not cleaned and dressed for Speech. She has begun pushing herself around in the chair (so much for the new paint on their walls!). She is advocating for her needs. She is learning more functions on her TV remote. Her laugh is coming back!


I have learned to transfer her from chair to bed and have changed her. You won't learn unless you do and I try to do as much as I can and am able to. I continue to research what changes the house might need and just what it will take to bring her home. Bringing her home is all I think about - from the first night at the hospital.


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these are all wonderful improvements. each stroke is different and everybody recovers differently. first year recovery come back in leaps and bounds after that it slows down though it never stops. able to move toe is great thing toes help big time for balance and walking. I am sure Jackie will be back home soon. she has reason in you to fight for her life.




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At 5 months I was just getting out of the hospital unable to walk. I had a bad brain bleed and 7 hours before getting to the hospital. They let me come home early cause my wife would be at home with me every day.


So I think she is doing great at 5 months. In time you will see the difference. I shake my head and say thank God every time I go in the garage and see the bedside commode, shower bench and wheelchair my wife pushed me around in plus loading and unloading for a year going to my doctors appointments. That was very hard on her.


I even had to sleep downstairs in a hospital bed barely able to turn over, unable to climb or walk and had to be pushed to the table in my chair to eat.


Don't get frustrated in hearing of others, she can make the same recovery as we did and I'm still not 70% in my opinion. There's a lot I can not do still with a lots of pains everywhere everyday. My prayers are with her and the adjustments you will have to make.

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5 months into stroke recovery is like a drop of water compared to the ocean. For me, when a wanted to move my affected side in rehab to show my daughter what I learned to do, sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not. If she is able to move her big toe here and there, hopefully that is just the beginning. Jackie is making terrific progress though. She has her sights set and goals to be achieved. She's a survivor - all WILL work out.

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