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Not feeling Christmasy



When Greg first broached the subject of us moving cities to Richards Bay way back in June this year, the idea of me resigning sounded wonderful. I would be able to lie by the pool and catch up on my reading. Fantastic right? Not really. I am quite lonely at home all day by myself. Yes, I have joined the library and can read to my hearts content, and I am getting quite nice and brown from lying by the pool, but I miss interaction with people.

Since I have been off work for 2 months already, I don't have that holiday feeling associated with this time of year.

I will start to look for a job in the New Year, so I had better make the most of my off time cause I bet after a few months of working again, I will be complaining I don't get enough time to read or lie by the pool. :unsure:

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I do understand missing the social interaction and just being involved in general. Twenty months after my stroke I have a new life where I am once again involved but on a different level (medically retired). I care for our new grandson two days a week, volunteer for several organizations, and am beginning to assist my spouse with his book of business. A year ago I was lonely, too, until I got up and running in my new post-stroke life. I missed interaction so much. I also now check on several elderly folks throughout the week. Some never hear from anyone.


It will be good to begin job hunting after the first of the year. My best to you.




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