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my parents' visit



I called my mother again today and guess what now its next week again. I just don't care anymore. In a way I hope they don't come because when they finally do come, I am afraid I won't be a very gracious host. My son hasn't called yet either. What would you give me for a family like that? I have had it with them. I am no longer calling either, if they come they come if not, their loss.


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MC, tell her: "Seeing is believing mother dearest." I have a sister like that too. But I say: "Whenever you're ready, just give me a phone call first in case I've had a better offer." she gets the message.


Act cool MC even if you don't feel that way.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I called my sister, she said "I have been waiting for you to call". Ok I was really good.. I did not say, "as far as I know the phone line goes both ways."


I guess we can look for excuses, age, weather etc. but picking up a phone.. to make the call to say.. can we set a date and time.... I understand your frustration... and you are right.. it is their loss. I like Sue's answer....:)








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you can't control how others going to behave only how we are going to respond to situation. If they call & come then they will be welcomed back in your life or it's their loss. though I like Sue's answer




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