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my parents' visit (part 2)



Yes, they finally came. Mom called me december 28/08 and told me they wanted to visit that week and asked if they could come the following wednesday not realizing it was New Year's Eve. When I said New Year's Eve, sure we have no plans but right away she said no not new year's Eve then it will have to be after New Year's day. She called back yesterday and asked if they could come the next day, saturday Jan.3.


Okay that was today, they finally came. Yesterday I was a bit nervous about them coming because I hadn't seen them in over one year. They are very judgemental people so I wanted my home to look perfect, so we rushed yesterday to clean house. This morning we got up late because our upstairs neighbor kept us awake till past 3:00 am. We managed to be ready when my parents arrived at 1:00pm. It was a nice visit, we talked about general stuff but she did manage to slip in that she missed me and even that she loved me. I believe that was the first time my mom said that to me(she is not very demontrative)When they left Mom asked us to drop in sometime. Although they broke the ice, I don't think I am ready to see them every week. The future will tell. They were not here very long as they had planned to visit my grandmother who lives in a home for the aged. They left around 4 pm. I am glad its over, that first visit after so long.


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Glad the "ice breaker" went well and finally took place. At least you were on your turf so to speak. My suggestion would be to take it slow and easy with them. It was probably difficult for your Mom to put into words how she feels about you.


Although we'd like to to, we cannot change the past. Two wrongs don't make a right either. Hopefully today's visit can be a stepping stone for your future relationship with your Mom.

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I am glad their visit went well. for older generation it's hard to say love yous. my mom never says it but she shows us by her actions. I am sure your mom loves you very much just like you love your kids. I hope & pray relationship with your family now moves on positive direction only.

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thats great MC. the ice has been broken open,so now hopefully the lines of communication are there for you and your mom now. i agree with donna to proceed slowly to give yourselves time to get back into a relationship with her i hope she really took note to see how well you were doing now with your new love in your life. i too hope things go in a positive direction for you now.

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Thank you for your replies. I will take it slow because , though it went well we felt like this might be a duty visit tough she did say she loved and missed me. Its easier for me to forgive them because they are my parents but we mustn't forget, Andre is the one that was rejected so he is still hurting and they are not his parents so it will be harder to forgive. We will see how it goes, you never know ...

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