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I'm baaaaacccckkkkk



Yes, I am back on Staff :happydance: - yahoo, yippppeee :cheer: and all that good stuff. My "retirement" was officially one week. Three days into it, I realized I was quite "homesick" :badmood: . As an afterthought to the day I submitted my resignation I knew I should have taken vacation time or a leave of absence from my duties in order to regroup.


We learn (or hope to) from our mistakes. Fortunately I did learn and am now a teeny bit wiser than before.


Love and (((hugs))) to all who contacted me and helped to "wise" me up. Even Kristi realized (once and for all I hope) how much Stroke Network means to me. So far she's not fighting me as much for computer time unless she has a project to work on for school. She is to be purchasing a lap top from a friend of hers in the near future so that will help as well. I'll have the desk top computer to myself. On occasion, I'll be permitted to use her lap top :rolleyes: .


I made the decision, while on retirement, to have cable installed on the television in my bedroom. Part of the decision was based on the digital conversion policy going in affect here in the U.S. Cable to be installed today. Another plus will be not having to "bicker" over what television program to watch as we'll have an added cable box upstairs as well.


Time will tell as to whom the furbabies will follow. I usually do not watch much television; it seems though, when I do have the desire, Kristi is already watching something and grumbles result.


Peace and Harmony perhaps? :harp: I'll take every little bit I can get with a teen in da house :cloud9:


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welcome back! cool that you decided to get cable for yourself.....there is nothing like a a really good show to take you away at times. a person can only read so much!

now that you are back to work just remember to pace yourself....you are not getting overtime pay. LOL cheers! kathy

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welcome back! cool that you decided to get cable for yourself.....there is nothing like a a really good show to take you away at times. a person can only read so much!

now that you are back to work just remember to pace yourself....you are not getting overtime pay. LOL cheers! kathy


Thank you Dear. Now when I want to hide out in my room I can do something besides listening to radio and reading lol

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welcome back, next time take vacation & save my delicate heart. congrats on laptop & cable TV. both have become very important these days.




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welcome back, next time take vacation & save my delicate heart. congrats on laptop & cable TV. both have become very important these days.




TY Asha - want to save my heart and sanity as well.

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I'm happy you are back from a one week (vacation), you know too many members to retire.


Are you still using dial up for your computer? If so you should consider going with the same cable company that you are with for the TVs


I got a package deal with Time Warner Cable, TV, Internet and Telephone with unlimited calling to Canada and no long distance ever. I got one bill!

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I am happy you are back. Things happen for a reason and I hope you were able to enjoy your retirement time a bit.


You are a wise and resourceful individual and contribute so much to this site.



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