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The Things That Keep Me Up at Night (and the thing that doesn

Wesley H.


To say that nothing occupies my mind that has the potential to cause me to worry would be a lie. Of course, there are things I worry about! I guess the key to peace of mind is determining how much space and time to allow them to have in my head.


Still being relatively young; at 54 years old, I have at least another 10 years before I can seriously consider retirement. Now, I have been working for the same company for 26 years and have always felt secure in my employment. I have been able to provide for my family, and we have a comfortable lifestyle. The income I provide is sufficient to allow my wife to stay at home and not need to work. Here in Southern California, that


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I, too, think of mortality now in a different light. It will happen.


The economy is definitely one of concern for many Americans. It's almost as though we are starting over. I am reminded of a corporate experience when we broke all barriers down within the company and started new ways of thinking by expressing them on brown paper bags. We hung the wording and the bags on the walls of a very large conference room. I think back to this experience and know there is so much we can improve on in the US. There was and is so much greed and things need to change.


Sometimes it takes a life altering experience for us to see things in a different light. There are some things I do differently as a result of stroke. And, I am grateful for the opportunity stroke has given me to volunteer. I was 57 when I stroked and thought I would be working for 8 more years. I was sad at first but have moved in other directions and am happy (and thankful to be above dirt).


I enjoy your blogs. You have a great gift in being able to express yourself in writing in a most humble and thought provoking way.


Send some of that San Diego weather our way!



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Please please send your San Diego weather my way as well. Well...on 2nd thought maybe not exactly your weather....would not want the cost of living that comes from your weather :o .


I also thoroughly enjoy reading your entries. The economy is the pits to put it mildly and, as Stessie stated, much of it goes back to greed of corporate entities with their bonuses while the rest of the "regular" folks pay the price.


I was 3 months shy of turning 51 when I was selected to meet up with stroke (I do not remember standing in a line to receive that); I was working full time, taking care of my daughter and our fur baby, and enjoying being a first time homeowner. Post I was forced to sell my town home thanks to the mortgage company and became a renter. In a way that's ok though as repairs are up to the landlord (helps now too that the landlord is also my nephew and he looooovvvveeeeessss his Aunt and doesn't want grief from his Dad, my dear Brother LOL).


Stroke does bring about facing our own mortality for sure. Not that I'm planning on pushing up daisies any time soon, but it has made me more appreciative of what I'm blessed with.

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Guest lwisman


Yes, the economy is something to worry about. The question is how much time do you have before you use the assets in you IRA? Since you have over five years you are probably ok. The stock market goes up and down. It will go up again. It will just take a lot of time.


Stroke does make one aware of one's morality. The good news is you have time to plan. Many people never face their mortality and therefore do not plan. My lawyer tells the story of a client who called to say his mother was in the hospital and he needed power of attorney. The lawyer's first question was "Can she sign her name."


Good luck to you. Don't worry any more than you have to. Life is too short.

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