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Don't beat yourself up!

Dave has memory issues like that on a daily basis as well. It's the little things that he forgets to do, the things that used to be automatic, take the mustard out of fridge, make a sandwich and forget to put mustard back... the constant small things. We have learnt that it is just the way it is and to NOT stress out over it.

If the white noise persists and you still don't feel yourself, I would suggest talking to your doctor monday morning, maybe it's the new med they put you on.

Take care and I hope you enjoy the football game tonite.




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hey Wes:


do talk with your doctor about your hellucination, I think it could be meds. becoming forgetful seems like stroke or age issue(hehehe)




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Sounds pretty normal to me. Feel like I am looking in a mirror.(but i have bigger *beep*.) couldn't resist that.Yesterday I left a half-gallon of milk out until it had reached room temp. Charley is afraid he is going to bang his head on one of the cabinet doors I never close. After my stroke I got the feeling my brain looked like scrambled eggs. I even told my neurologists during hospital rounds about constantly dreaming even when I am awake. It was of no interest to them.If it were not for my two little maltese dogs (Lily & Casper) snuggling up to me every night, I would probably br insane by now.


Keep on keeping on,


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Please do talk to your doc about the hallucinations - quite possibly could be med related.


Stroke deficits + age I think affects all of us one way or another. There are times when I'm "out there" really really bad. I think I'm totally losing it but then my daughter does something that makes me know that I'm still maintain some sanity.


Initilly I'd allow myself to become bothered and upet about the forgetfulness. Over time, I've learned to laugh it off - humor is a good healer.


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Relax, it has only been 5 months. You are a very "young" stroke survivor. It takes the brain at least 6 months to heal.


Definitely speak to your doc about the medications or, better yet, speak to your pharmacist. I never had hallucinations, but in the beginning I had strange dreams. Some of what you are experiencing is normal, so don't get too uptight about it.


Pharmacists probably know more about the interactions of different drugs, so a trip to the pharmacy might be a good idea. Just a thought.


Maybe you are trying to do too much too soon. Take it easy and let yourself heal.







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Hey, I'm five years post stroke and I forget. I Come downstairs only to remember I forgot the car keys. Second trip downstairs I forget my scooter keys or my money or my cell phone. Many times I say forget going any place, I'll go later. Going to the store I forget the check book.


So you are not alone and ringing in the ears I get 10% from the VA for that condition. It's called Tenisus if that's how to spell it? It doesn't go away. I have hearing aids that is very hard to wear.


It's just our minds trying to think too far ahead of our actions. Remember we lost the left or in my case the right brain so that is part of how we think these days. I'll put one shoe on and forget the other one or I'll fasten one with the Velcro and not the other one.


Here lately I will forget to put a coat or jacket on after just looking at how cold it is outside on the TV. Another trip downstairs and back up again. I say the same thing, "I must be loosing my mind." It's already gone.

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I have got one for you. But I highly doubt that you can relate. I could not find my purse. Me and my purse!! I have drug it in the road when I shut it outside the car door. Its always something. But suffice to say I never know where it is. I leave it behind in restaurants .... But we made all the calls and it was no where to be found. Till...... Bill opened the refrigerator door and there it was cooling its heels next to the pickles. I really wish I had even half of the brain cells that died ......

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I thought it was just old age. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But ...you really are older than me! (but not as old as sissy) By the way, this isn't mom, its you little sissy. We still do not have internet at the house or power at the office, The office is running on a generator. Winter sucks. but spring makes it all worth while.

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