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Acceptance Part 2



I stuck to my word and Im still accepting things. Today I was so tired carrying about 15-20 pounds of books on my shoulder and walking in boots that were a little too big for my feet for hours all day. I wish I knew exactly how many miles I walk each day so people could understand just how far I walk. Its already tiring to walk far, then to have the weight of books, and the harsh cold in my joints just makes me want to collapse to the ground after each step. but I have accepted that. Instead of coming to my room to cry and wish I didnt walk the way I do, I just took off my shoes and rested and thank God I made it back to my room safely without falling. Then I remind myself it could be worse. The other day I went to the mall with my boyfriend and we seen a couple. The husband looked like he had a stroke because he was using a cane and his arm was bent the way mine used to be and my boyfriend held the door for his wife she was in a wheelchair. I seen 2 other people walking with a cane at the mall, and another lady in a wheelchair downtown. The following day I seen someone on crutches and yesterday I seen a blind man walking around campus. It always makes me feel better to know that Im not alone and although I wish it could be better, I am glad it is not worse. I went to the pain management doctor yesterday and he wants me to start the botox and OT again because I explained to him how my braces dont straighten my wrist anymore. After botox and OT failed the first time, it is hard to have hope that it will make a difference but I am trying to be optimistic.

I know I said I was going to stop stressing so much over school but it really is a lot of work. I have 4 test on Friday in all of my classes. I can use extra time if I need it but my classes are back to back 50 minute classes and I know the test are going to be 50 question each so I am very stressed. but I have been trying my best at everything and still not doing good and not understanding. I am starting to feel like this is one of those semesters everyone gets where it is really extensive and stressful. On the good side, my interview went well. The recruiter was from the Pentagon and he told me that President Obama wants the government to hire 500,000 (i think) people with disabilities for federal jobs and by working with one of his employers I will receive free accomodations (i.e one handed keyboard). So I hope I can get the opportunity to work in Washington D.C, but I also want to study abroad in China this summer, and Im applying for a research position at the #1 criminology school in the nation at the university of maryland. I am very excited to see what this summer has in store for me but for now I have to go back to studying so I hope you all enjoy my positive entry


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I'm proud of you for maintaining the positive attitude in the face of adversity that you are dealing with with walking around on campus in the inclement weather and facing 4 tests in one day. I love reading all of your entries whether they be positive or not. Life is not a bed of roses and life is full of lemonades tumbling around us. It's what we do with those lemons that matters. Whether we make lots of lemonade or a lemon dessert, it shows we are coping with life and doing the best we can.


Who would have thought, when you first started school that you would be speaking with a recruiter about a governmental employment position? You have grown up and are excelling although you may not realize it. We do as we're on the outside (in cyber land) looking in on you.


You go girl and keep it up. And traveling to China AND a research position in Maryland? And we can all brag and say Katrina is our cyber niece.


Love you sweetie and hugs (((HUGS)))

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Go to Walmart, get you a pedometer, they are on sale in sporting good section. Other stores probably carry them too. Then you can track how far you are walking very cheaply.


I hope you are one of the chosen for a government job, you deserve it, you have really had a hard time with your stroke and school.

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wow so many good things to look forward in your life. though I understand there is lot of hardwork & tears involved in it. but look how far you have come. keep up the positive attitude. fake it till you make it is my attitude.




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