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Day four of the challenge



Well, we all know how hard it is to control our weight post stroke, so Kath and I have decided to do something about it together, and give each other a early Valentines gift which will keep on giving. ;)


We like snacks (don't mind admitting it), so Kath and I decided that we'd get some help, and after alot of investigation decided on Uweightloss clinic ( because they have doctors on staff).


It's day 4 already, and I've lost 11 lbs. ( supposidly males loose faster), it may be more as I haven't weighed in today


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hey Stu:


that's amazing weightloss in 4 days, did u get magic weightloss pill or what, share your secret. I have been maintaining my weight. though I am never into loosing weight. if I m eating right, doing exercise then I don't care how much I weigh.




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My weight loss will come from lost wages, no money no food! My big box of honey nut Cheerios has to feed the family for a week. The next week Apples!


Seriously, I went to the VA Monday and weighed 220, went back yesterday (Wed) to a different department and weighed 216.


At this rate by the time I get my Stimulus I'll be to skinny to push the door open at the bank!!

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hey Stu:


that's amazing weightloss in 4 days, did u get magic weightloss pill or what, share your secret. I have been maintaining my weight. though I am never into loosing weight. if I m eating right, doing exercise then I don't care how much I weigh.






You're given vitamins and supplements. I get a 1300 calorie total for the day, including snack and have not been going hungry. Once I'm finished my first week, I'm just put on the supplements with the odd vitamin during the week and my calorie count is allowed to rise about 200. Once I've reached my desired weight I go on maintenance, and by then I should of learned to eat properly ( whole process takes a year, so I'll be posting updates for sure ;)


All during the process we're at the companies gym three times a week. The gym itself is worth the price.



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Good for you Stu. Yes, guys do lose weight faster than us gals. The calories you are consuming you're working off at the gym as well.


Great for you and Kath!!!! Ya know we're gonna wanna see pics of the new you.

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Seriously Stu,


I eat cold cereals and oatmeal in the individual packets with 2% milk, that's it most days! I eat them or it everyday mornings or noon and evenings. Occasionally I eat fish or chicken I broil in the oven downstairs.


I mostly fix stuff in the microwave in my room. Some days I never make it downstairs I have so much to do. Everything is set up in my bedroom except my exercise bike, it's downstairs and my scooters are in the garage. Some Days I spend all day in the garage cleaning my scooters and sweeping the garage out.

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