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I've given in



Yesterday i gave in......i canceled my membership at my local ymca. yesterday i gave in.....i will no longer take 3 hour art workshops. yesterday i gave in......i will get some help with housework. and so forth......


I have NOT however, given up!!! I will do what i can when it comes to exercise each day. I will continue to draw and paint as i desire and the classes I choose to take will be in a series and with limited hours. I have set up a schedule with a young woman in the neighborhood to help me twice a month with floors and such.


I am tired of fighting myself. :nuts:


I wrote in my last blog about searching for the middle ground in recovery......yet in the back of my mind i still believed I could...with much effort......do things in my pre-stroke way. I know some survivors go back to work, go to school, resume hobbies and take water exercise and lift weights. Yeah for them!!!!! I, however am not one of those survivors. I have to face it. It is a painful realization but I am not going to get my stamina back. Of course I am 500% better than I was 3.5 years ago and I am grateful. I have challenged myself and re-challenged myself on so many things. I have set up ...in my mind....my success plans and gone at them full tilt. First in leaps and then in baby steps. If i am going to live my life as a survivor who enjoys her second chance I need to give up my idea that being a hard worker with a positive, can-do attitude change my stroke outcome. All that does is is let me down and lead to tears and depression. oh, i will always be a positive person.....i was before my stroke. I will always want to try new things.....the world is one big interesting place. Yet over the past weeks I have become more accepting and sanguine about my limits in life. I think acceptance is a journey of degrees and I am feeling more comfortable at the moment.


with that I will sign off And, remember the days are getting longer! :lol: kathy



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Since you haven't given up painting and drawing, draw me a picture of the current president and send it to me with how much I owe you for your work.


I feel it may become a masterpiece, who knows? The only thing I can draw is...Flies! :silly: :hide: When I hide they still sniff me out!

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hey Kathy:


being able to do what you can do without pushing too much is best strategy. It does not mean u r giving up, it's just adjusting to what you can handle. who you are trying to prove here. I think most of the times ego in our head is talking to us about all that. I am right now trying to watch my ego how I want to come across to other person as success or failure. I think it is going to control that ego part of my brain & it's going to b life;ong journey



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You are NOT giving in dear - you're reinventing and re-establishing yourself. Those days of our type-A personalities are gone with the wind so to speak. And as dear Scarlet says "Tomorrow is another day". It is - Yippee the days are getting longer just not quickly enough (there goes the type-A in me again :bouncing_off_wall: ) I'm more than ready.


I'm glad you are getting some help for the household chores. There will come a day for me soon where I will need to do that as well once kiddo goes off to college. You can help guide me when I've got to re-invent myself when that time comes.

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By golly you are not giving in, you are just working with the body/mind you have post-stroke. I admire you for recognizing you don't need the additional stress and are now doing it on your terms. If you decide to make changes in your new schedule, that's fine, too. I think we as baby boomers put a great deal of unnecessary stress on ourselves into buying into that we could have and do it all.


I kind of like the new me post-stroke. When I hear friends talking about layouts and plants closing, I am thankful I no longer need to worry about this.

That's one thing stroke has given me. I also know I have fewer tomorrows than I have yesterdays and only I know what it is I want to accomplish before I enter eternal rest.


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Hi Kathy


Maybe you just have to get used to your "new normal." (as one of my stroke buddies would say) Pre stroke does not a better person make. It's when we are refined by fire that we can show what we are really made of. (pure Gold) But all that glitters is not gold there may be some diamonds and other precious gems there as well. The skilled potter shapes the clay, he doesn't throw it away.


Wishing you success in your journey,


Smiles :)





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Guest lwisman


It sounds like you were having a bad day when you wrote this. Hope today is better. :D


I find that people who don't ever see me, or don't see me very often think I can do much or than I know I can do. Most survivors don't have the stamina that they had pre-stroke. Gary is correct that you have to become comfortable with the new normal. Note the important word here is new. Each of us in a different person. Not better or worse than previously.


Don't feel guilty about what you can and can not do. Just do what you can.


Take care,







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Hi Kathy: I wish I was there to give you a real big hug right now. :hug: You and I have been on the same page lately. I believe your giving in (not giving up) is your moving forward in the acceptance process. I've had help with housework since I came home from hospital. I cannot get down on my hands and knees. You have reached and accepted your limitations more than I have. I am pacing myself better now but I am still pushing. I often wonder if I could accept giving in and spend more time at home doing things I really love to do. Everyone is on their own journey and I pray for God's guidance to make decisions in line with his will. No matter how hard I try, high expectations are constantly hitting me in the face. It happened again today but this time I am not crying about it. So that is progress. It isn't easy getting use to the "new normal" and we are all a little different. I try not to compare myself with anyone else but accept the me I am while not giving up. We are the survivors. Many who have given up do not have any quality of life at all. I think it is fabulous that you paint and draw - cherish the natural talents God has given you (mine is cross-stitch which I do for relative or friends). I can't draw a straigt line without a ruler!! I am in your cheering section all the way :cheer: We will become more comfortable in our own skins when we have reached the degree of acceptance you have. I can't wait ! Hugs, Leah

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Well said Polly I think you finally got it! :monkeydance: You don't have to beat it to move beyond it iinto the positive. How's this for something to Polly up and feel positive about? A new reality without tears :cheer: You look at your world in the present and appreciate the many talents you still have realizing they now may come with some slight limitations. Polly already knows now what she is capable of when she sets out, doesn't come back disappointed, frustrated, and crying. Instead my fellow Polly you're armed as before confident from the experience to take on the next with your smile and positive attitude for the next :congrats: .

I think you really have had a major breakthrough

I love you Polly


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You have been expressing yourself in your paintings. The new you has just morphed into a butterfly observing everyone else. I just heard today on TV, traumatic happenings in our life sends us into a tail spin. :freaked:.Keeping in communication with friends, talking, over a cup of coffee, keeps you living. Isolation however is signing your death certificate. So, keep up the high spirits, you are painting a picture of a new you. Java

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