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Hey All,


I saw this on a desk in a room they had me park my scooter until the doctor come in to get me. This was the only thing on the desk and no chair. I don't suppose the last person at this desk QUIT??




When things go wrong as they sometimes Will,

when the road you're trudging seems all Uphill,


when you're feeling low and the stress is High,

and when you want to smile but you have to Sigh,


when worries are getting you down a Bit...

by all means pray...And don't Quit!


Success is failure turned inside Out,

God's hidden hidden gift in the clouds of Doubt,

you never can tell how close you Are,

it may be near when it seems so far.


So trust in the Lord when you're hardest Hit...

It's when things go wrong that you Don't Quit!



There was nothing at the bottom of the page as to who wrote this,

I assume the person who used that desk was fired and did not quit.

Perhaps they left it on the desk in plain paper site for a supervisor

or boss to see, and no one moved it, so I copied it to share here!



I thought it was fitting for stroke survivors coping with recovering and care givers who give so much of their love and time, day in and day out, for many years with no end in sight.


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I like that very much, Fred--and it sure fell into the right hands when you spotted it! A very important, and moving, message there that we all need to remember. Thanks for taking the extra time to copy it so that we could all read it!



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I have that one hanging on my refrigerator and it's been there since 2003 when I joined a weight loss program and they gave me a copy of it to hang on my refrigerator. At the time it helped me to lose a lot of weight (unfortunately have gained a lot back since Gary's stroke). I think I posted a copy of it on here several years ago, maybe in one of my blogs but I've since removed a lot of my blogs. Good to be reminded though!!





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I believe too that there was a reason you found this sitting on a desk all by itself. Perhaps it was placed there especially for you to carry back to us. It was a SIGN oh dear friend.

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