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Kyle has a video



Hi everyone


Well Kyle's mom has posted a few days ago in the Jay Rom and I just wanted to let you read what she had posted. Here it is.


Darlene Jay wrote

at 3:16pm on February 7th, 2009

Hello everyone, so sorry haven't been updating but really busy as major renovations going on at our house so we have moved out while this happens. Kyle is still making progress each day, he is now saying some words, taking the odd step with the right leg and using the right hand more. His eyes are nearly back to normal with the help of Dr. Rusk. He continues to get stronger each day.


Also Kyle and his dad Garth did a video for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI and I wanted to let you see it.


Here is the link.



I hope you enjoyed Kyle's video. You should let him know by posting to him here at The Stroke Network.


Here is his link.


Till next time.


Smiles :)




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that was quite moving video. My heart breaks for Kyle & his family. looking at this video I remember how I felt in my first year, I just want to tell Kyle after seeing my own recovery. "things will be different, & it will change" within few years. & being young Kyle has so much to look forward to. I just want to let them know life will be good again.




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Hi Donna and Asha


Thank you both for your encouraging words. Kyles story was aired on our local tv news channel on Friday. I will try to post the clip as soon as it is available.


Smiles :)




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hi gary, thankyou so much for directing me to your blog and kyle. i have read from start to finish. what an amazing story, kyle is one for the books, huh, the video was great too. this boy i have no doubt will get to where he wants to be in his recovery. he is a true inspiration to every BSS survivor. i will continue to look for updates from you on his progress. it was nice to meet you tonight in chat. god bless kyle and his family.



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