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I am engaged



People were asking me last week what I was doing for Valentine's day and I told everybody truthfully that I had no plans for valentine's day,it was going to be like any other day for us because if I have learned anything about my lover is that he hates tradition and he doesn't need a special day to do anything. I love holidays, so if I want to have a special day, I have to plan and execute it myself. I made a regular meal with extras. I had candlelight, a table cloth and I had dressed up for the occasion. I had gotten a nice card plus a heart box filled with heart shaped chocolates and laid those on the table on his place mat. He seemed happy about the extras and remarked on it which pleased me that my efforts were appreciated. After dinner he said give me your hand. I knew he meant my left affected hand because he has always encouraged me to move it without the assistance from the other hand, When I gave him my hand, he put a ring on my finger and told me" if anybody has earned the right to wear this ring, its you" I was so surprised, he left me spechless. Even if I would have expected it, I would never in a hundred years thought he would do it on valentine's day, too traditional.I am so happy and I love my Andre more than ever.


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Awww Marie:


even though I knew the story, reading it again brought tear of joy in my eyes. I know you must be so happy. you deserved all the happiness in the world. you have been waiting far too long for these things. I m so happy for you. I am sending you & Andre lot of hugs.






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CONGRATULATIONS!! What a sweet story, and a special day for you! I'm very happy for you both!


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Ye Hawwwwwwwwwwwww now that's a valentine story that you can tell your grandchildren about. Congratulations. You valentine devil you, you crazy kids :)



Stroke Warrior

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oh wow! how romantic....i am soooo happy you shared with us. congratulations to you and andre. he is a lucky guy! :D kathy

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Congraulations to you both. What a sweet thing to do.. and extra specail as he is not a traditionalist :Dance: :congrats: :harp:


hugs, Bonnie

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