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my engagement part 2



I would like to thank all my friends here at StrokeNet for the warm wishes. I so enjoyed sharing my news with you. I called my mom and dad to tell them and I didn't get any more reaction if I told them we were having a sunny day. After 3 and1/2 years you would think they could be happy for us. What are we to do? You can't change these cold people that are my parents, so I am happy to have a new life with my lover.



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All that matters is yours and Andre's happiness. Their loss if they can't share your happiness. Perhaps they feel un-needed since you've been with Andre. The old saying "You can't fight City Hall" comes to mind thinking of them.


I can empathize with you. I had same parental reaction when I had got engaged before stroke. She gloated when it fell part. That won't happen to you and Andre. Their blessings or not won't change the love you have for each other.



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Hi Mc... pray for them, its their problem and their great loss. So happy for you.. and thats a warmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wish.. for a hot couple.. yeah. Happy Engagement.. whens the party.. we must have a virtual engagement party or shower... lol. ok everyone. let us know what you plan to do for the shower.. I'm decorating an making the flowers for the happy couple. Really I would if you would let me.. silk designer here. ler me know and Ill ship em.... a boutonniere for him a a bqt for you.. ... my wedding gift. :)



Stroke Warrior

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mc, i'm sorry your parents are not mature enough to go with your wishes. i guess they are set in their ways and can't accept the fact you have made a new life for yourself and are happy with andre after your stroke. we can't choose our families as we can our mates. i would just forget about their negativity for now and just enjoy your happiness with the planning of your wedding. i wish you both the very best.

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ya know that old saying you can choose your friends but not your family? well, tough toe nail on them for not being thrilled for you. the choice is yours to let them bring you down or ignore their negativity. of course that is easy for me to say...we all want approval and acceptance.

i just hope you can take this step with total joy in your heart and share a wonderful life with andre and let the rest of them go! i too think we need a party! :friends: kathy

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Amen, they have their lives and you must gather your crop. It's your life and happiness at this point, they will always be your mom and dad whom you honor and your days are lengthen on this earth.

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We are happy for you! I fortunately never experienced this with my parents, but my husband's mother has gotten very negative in her advancing years. We still try to see her several times a week and I just try to tune the negativity out and remember when she wasn't that way.


Keep us posted on your plans. That was a very nice offer from Ann in Kentucky for your flowers.



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hey MC:


don't let their immaturity to understand your happiness ruin your parade. enjoy your engagement & bacholr party souns lot of fun




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oh mcd, i just want top say congratulations on your engagement and i am so happy that you have found your soulmate, you deserve it mcd, and andre is very lucky to have you mcd, all the best to you

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