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yearning for what is gone



I've been on this site going on for four years now. In those years I have of course grown four years older, I'm now past sixty, Ray and I had our fortieth wedding anniversary, he is now sixty six. We are not the young folk we used to be, nothing like we were in 1990 when he had his first stroke at aged forty eight. And yet, in a way, a huge part of our lives got left back there. We are part of the lost generation, those who for one reason or another were unable to fulfill their dreams, who had their hopes dashed, who never did all the things on the wish list. It was not our fault, not something we deliberately did, it was a cardio vascular accident, we call it "stroke".


I hope now at sixty one I am older and wiser but I very much doubt it. Today I read a few posts with that plaintive echo: "why me? it isn't fair, I want my old life back." and so do I, so indeed do I. But what would that life be like now? Better than this one or just different from it? It is too far back to know. Of course I can go back to the major strokes in 1999, that is less than ten years ago. But to the 1990 stroke, the beginning of all that trouble? No I don't think so.


So how do we deal with all that wishful thinking, all that wondering about what might have been if the stroke didn't happen? How do we cope with the disappointments, the lost dreams...maybe even that sense of failure? Because I know that is one of my feelings some days, a sense of failure. Like the failure to thrive in babies it somehow stunts my growth. I need to get rid of that feeling. I really do. And become the kind of person who lives in the present, deals with life as it comes and enjoys her life. What is the use of moping around, it doesn't achieve anything.


There are people here who do make the most of every day, I am thinking here of Asha (achandra) and hostallan. They personify for me the power of going with the flow, of getting on with life just the way it is. I admire their fortitude and their attitude. I try to be more like that day by day. Not just stoic but cheerfully doing the best I can with each day, and doing a good deed if I can.


It is not always easy to find a good deed to do but it might be as simple as calling out a cheery greeting to my neighbour, telling a shop assistant "thank you, and you have a nice day yourself too" or just giving way to someone else, on a street corner, in a shopping centre car park, wherever I can. To try to be a blessing to someone rather than just another person who obstructs them in some way. We all know what we like in others so that is the way we need to be ourselves.


I am feeding my neighbour's cat again. My neighbour is away on another trip, partly business, partly pleasure he says. He often goes away for a few days, a couple of weeks, sometimes more. His daughter has gone back to her mother, she is a teen and there was some problems so that was decided on as the best solution. He had always been the one who stayed at home and now he doesn't have to so he is enjoying his freedom. The cat and I don't get on but he needs his food so he has to tolerate me. And I've notched up another good deed.


The sun is back so my "rain depression" has lifted again and I feel like doing some things around the place. Today Trev and I pulled out some ivy that was choking some shrubs and gave them a cut back. It was quite warm as there is now a lot of moisture in the air and the humidity is back. The floods are now in northern New South Wales as well as Queensland but nowhere near here thank goodness. The Victorian bushfires are now mostly under control. Life is coming back to near normal again.


But our lives will never be normal will they? There will always be the extra work caused by the strokes Ray had and all the restrictions that go with poor mobility and poor swallowing and all the other deficits he has. It makes a lot of work for me and because of that I feel it so much harder to achieve anything. But maybe the actual achievements are not that important you know. We really do need to set our own goals and make them realistic ones. There is no use us thinking that if we worked, if we earned more, had more, achieved more, we would be happy. I guess we could simply decide to be happy with what we have, doing what we can, achieving what? a life well lived perhaps?


So tomorrow is another day to practice loving my neighbour as myself. It is another day of going through life as cheerfully as I can. If it has some surprises I will work on dealing with them without building up a head of steam and getting flustered if I can. Flow, here I come.


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this is where I am at. You just nailed it for me. I don't know how to get out of it either. It has caused me to stay away from this board and not join the caregiver chat again. My head of steam is enormous. I know what you mean about Asha - she seems to come to my rescue and I just don't get it cause I should be coming to hers. I am so glad I found your post (thru Asha) but I still don't know how to get out of this funk. But at least I can explain it through you. I wish I could barge over and pull some weeds with you and cry a little and laugh some too and just get ourselves together. I thank you for your experience and insight.

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hey Sue:


you nailed it. I guess we all are born with unique personality. I am fortunate that I am able to get out of my first few years of what ifs, and flow with life. what I found out after lot of nudging &loving support from hubby, that this is my life right now whether I like it or not like it, I have to make best out of my time here on earth, otherwise my timetime will be gone & I will miss my present moment by feeling sorry for yesterday & worrying about future. so I will just enjoy my present with my best of abilities. yes there are lot of frustrations along the way, but when I see result my well adjusted child, my amazing lovely marriage, it's all worth it, I am having blast. I am proud to be great mom & wife right now. I don't know whether I am making sense, but that is my philosophy(I think it works well with serenity prayer)




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A great Blog Sue, I feel the same way, in fact just got finished with a comment to a topic started by Phil Webb about facing reality. If you see it, read it. I'm not the least depressed by what or how I am, I am alive.


You certainly got the spiritual action to living your life just like it says in the bible. I admire you for that spirit and my wife and I are still coming to visit you and Ray when my money get right or I get a bailout. My desire is to make the trip in your summertime and see a couple bowling centers and watch a few tennis matches too.


Now I want to see some of the destruction caused by the recent fires also.

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hi sue,

i can only say, that for myself, my life before my stroke grows more distant each day. i have spent time mourning who i was and what i have lost....i have also worked hard to move on and enjoy each day and the small gifts it may bring. i do not, for a single minute believe that i had a stroke to make me a better person or a stronger person......i had spent my pre stroke years caring about and working on behalf of other people.

we can all say the words be happy and accept.....but the reality is we are human and have emotions. no one does life perfectly...whether they are a stroke survivor, caregiver, cancer patient or lucky enough to be healthy. all we can do, in my opinion, is try our best each day, treat others as we want to be treated and enjoy the moment. kathy

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You said it all Sue thanks for expressing yourself so that I can see that I'm as normal as you--I want to be as strong and giving as you and if you do not relize every time that I'm I chat with you and the other caregivers I feel better about how I feel so every Tuesday you remenber that when you are in chat that is the best place to be for us and it's your good deed for the day. Thank you for all that you do here and you too have a nice day :wink:

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Sorry I wasn't here on Tuesday night. I have been having telco problems again, I am at my sisters today using her computer so at least I can catch up on blogs etc.


You are so right about learning to cope with how life is TODAY Kathy, but it one of the hardest things to do.


Be with you agin soon I hope.



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Hi Sue: Thank you for sharing my thoughts. I cannot put things in words very well. I like Wesley's comment that he didn't know you had been running around in his brain! I try hard to live one day at a time, not project and do what I can. I read a lot which I think is some kind of escape. So be it. I try to do something for someone else every day, just if it's a phone call or email "thinking of you" and smile for someone who doesn't seem to expect one. In the beginning I think I was trying to do stroke "perfect" ... no such thing. I don't know if I will get any better but that is okay because I have come so far since May 2006 (second brainstem big stroke June 2006). We are all survivors, whether we are caregivers or the stroke survivor or in many cases an older person going through life. Bless you for the wisdom you share with us. Hugs, Leah

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hi sue,

i can only say, that for myself, my life before my stroke grows more distant each day. i have spent time mourning who i was and what i have lost....i have also worked hard to move on and enjoy each day and the small gifts it may bring. i do not, for a single minute believe that i had a stroke to make me a better person or a stronger person......i had spent my pre stroke years caring about and working on behalf of other people.

we can all say the words be happy and accept.....but the reality is we are human and have emotions. no one does life perfectly...whether they are a stroke survivor, caregiver, cancer patient or lucky enough to be healthy. all we can do, in my opinion, is try our best each day, treat others as we want to be treated and enjoy the moment. kathy


Well said Kathy



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