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Friends have scattered all around the world, but where?



Friends, I seem to through the years have forgotten all my friends names I had through High School. After moving here and their, lost the year book, had a stroke, I would like to reconnect with them. A friend I had when I worked with sent me a invite to Face Book. I signed up, and that was the end of it. I really didn't think I would find anyone. So, time has passed and now I have some 25 friends.

Steve Mallory happens to be one of my friends. If I can not find the old friends, I'll take the new spiritual ones that facebook brings me.


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They are hard to find for sure. My friends were all gone by the time I got out of the hospital 4 months later. Hey we learn to live without them or I have.

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Well, Girlfriend, I hope I can be on your Friends List. I know I would be blessed if I was. All my friends went their own way after I had my Brain Stem Stroke and TIA'S. But, hey, it's on them, I want true blue friends. I have my two faithful ones, Kathy and Debbie who I have a Bible Study With every Monday am at 10:00 We have such a great time. At Christmas they came and decorated our tree and came an took it down for us. They are very kind. I love them to pieces. They both have health issues and I think this helps them to feel better. So, they understand. Debbie has a grandson, Ethan, who is four now and he has a heart condition. When I got home from the REHAB, I instantly prayed that God would put a child with a Heart problem into my path. I have always worked with children with cancer or md, but, now that I am a BrainStem Stroke Survivor and quad bypass Survivor, my heart wanted to help a child. Well, God answered my prayers, not only answered them but almost put Ethan on my lap to hug and love. I live on the same street as him and he lives across the way. What an answer to prayer. When Debbie is visiting her family , she'll call me up and say someone want to come visit his Jan. Then she brings him over in his wagon. He is precious and his older sister Julianna, and now his younger Brother,Colton. I enjoy them so and Ethan is doing so much better. he's had a tough journey and they lost him so many times. I even got to make Christmas for them two years ago, They had so many needs that, since volunteerism is in my spirit and blood, I asked Debbie if I could do this for them, at first she felt funny having me do this, but then understood this is what my ministry is all about. God is the one working through me. I was able to get Ethan a brand new water condition as theirs didn't work any longer and since we are on well water, I felt it would be healthier to get them a new one, so I called the water people I have used for other wishes for my cancer families and they were more than happy to get Ethan one. I had contacted his Dr and he spoke with Bob from the water company and it was taken care of, I call them "It's A God Thing" always wanting to give him the glory for all of it.

It hurt when my "so called friends" flew out the window, I guess it was too much for them, possibly them seeing their own mortality as a possibility for them. Who knows, maybe because I can no longer drive, five years now, am in a wheelchair, who knows. I miss them, but, hey I am on a new journey now and by being here with StrokeNet I am getting to know others.

But, please put my name on your friends list cuz I am here for you 24/7 and the best part of my friendship I am a Prayer Warrior and I hope an encourager. Like you said I shared with you about starting a Blog. And look at you, you are doing a great job with it. I love hearing about your adventures and look forward to reading you next entry.

God Bless,

Hugs n Love, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR :)

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Hi Jeannie,


I don't do facebook or myspace myself as my daughter doesn't want Mom lurking around checking up on her LOL Little does she know I can access her info through my Aunt's accounts and I do on occasion check out her stuff.


Instead I hang out here at Stroke Net and pass the time.


Friends do have the tendency to vanish. Most of my friends from before were work colleagues and they are long long gone. A few have stuck around - those I consider true blue friends.

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They are hard to find for sure. My friends were all gone by the time I got out of the hospital 4 months later. Hey we learn to live without them or I have.

The friends that move on are only making room for us

to experience new friends and that turns into new

adventures. And all of us know how good it makes us feel to be able to do past things, but accomplishing

new avenues of experience makes not only us feel

worth something but our caregivers joyful. And joy is

what this life should be all about. Thanks for the comment. remembertolaugh, jean :chat:

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Well, Girlfriend, I hope I can be on your Friends List. I know I would be blessed if I was. All my friends went their own way after I had my Brain Stem Stroke and TIA'S. But, hey, it's on them, I want true blue friends. I have my two faithful ones, Kathy and Debbie who I have a Bible Study With every Monday am at 10:00 We have such a great time. At Christmas they came and decorated our tree and came an took it down for us. They are very kind. I love them to pieces. They both have health issues and I think this helps them to feel better. So, they understand. Debbie has a grandson, Ethan, who is four now and he has a heart condition. When I got home from the REHAB, I instantly prayed that God would put a child with a Heart problem into my path. I have always worked with children with cancer or md, but, now that I am a BrainStem Stroke Survivor and quad bypass Survivor, my heart wanted to help a child. Well, God answered my prayers, not only answered them but almost put Ethan on my lap to hug and love. I live on the same street as him and he lives across the way. What an answer to prayer. When Debbie is visiting her family , she'll call me up and say someone want to come visit his Jan. Then she brings him over in his wagon. He is precious and his older sister Julianna, and now his younger Brother,Colton. I enjoy them so and Ethan is doing so much better. he's had a tough journey and they lost him so many times. I even got to make Christmas for them two years ago, They had so many needs that, since volunteerism is in my spirit and blood, I asked Debbie if I could do this for them, at first she felt funny having me do this, but then understood this is what my ministry is all about. God is the one working through me. I was able to get Ethan a brand new water condition as theirs didn't work any longer and since we are on well water, I felt it would be healthier to get them a new one, so I called the water people I have used for other wishes for my cancer families and they were more than happy to get Ethan one. I had contacted his Dr and he spoke with Bob from the water company and it was taken care of, I call them "It's A God Thing" always wanting to give him the glory for all of it.

It hurt when my "so called friends" flew out the window, I guess it was too much for them, possibly them seeing their own mortality as a possibility for them. Who knows, maybe because I can no longer drive, five years now, am in a wheelchair, who knows. I miss them, but, hey I am on a new journey now and by being here with StrokeNet I am getting to know others.

But, please put my name on your friends list cuz I am here for you 24/7 and the best part of my friendship I am a Prayer Warrior and I hope an encourager. Like you said I shared with you about starting a Blog. And look at you, you are doing a great job with it. I love hearing about your adventures and look forward to reading you next entry.

God Bless,

Hugs n Love, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR :)


Jan Thanks so very much for your encouragement.

If we follow our hearts (whether their troubled) spirit is always just

a faint nudge away. Children bring so much more happiness to me since I was stroked. When I'm in a store and I catch a glimpse of

parent with a young child and the young child is talking and talking, the parent catches me looking, I acknowledge, and the parent is apologizing for the child never stops. I have a good laugh first, then

I comment, be glad, for when we as adults have strokes and loose are ability to speak we realize that children are performing a miracle. Learning to communicate, the shape of the mouth, the position of the mouth, the tongue, the jaw. How much effort of

air is able to produce the sound. And then, you the parent

acknowledges it was understood.

My neighbor had her first child in August this last year. I love to crochet a baby blanket. I finally got to see the baby boy on Saturday she was taking him for a walk in the stroller. They are

such miracles.

It was wonderful that spirit was able to work thru you to help Ethan. The power of our thoughts can be so rewarding.

I would love to have you as My Friend and anyone else that comments on my blog. But!!!! I don't know how. Help. Please.

In fact, I don't know if on (my blog) your comments I suppose to respond? Is their a proper or improper way and why? I'm loving blogging. Thanks for helping.

But you have to promise if you read one of my blogs and it is not understandable you will let me know.



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Of the few friends that hung in to get beyond the fear, work, patience, and challenge it took to not just check out on me. They are the few that were ever really worth having to begin with. If I would have had the chance to guess prestroke who had the character to have withstood such an ordeal, they would have been my pick. I guess the fact the rest disappeared in reality is no great shock or surprise, it doesn't make it feel any better but my point is you have to take it from where it comes.

I've always had many acquaintances but chosen my friends wisely. When the chips are down it makes it very easy to see the clear distinction between the two. Don't be disappointed trying to rekindle possible past acquaintances. There are many warm, caring wonderful people here will gladly welcome your friendship and be there for the long haul.

Maria :friends:

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Hi Jeannie,

I'm getting the hang of things, the terminology of words like

'toggle side panel' or 'BB code H' well I can not read that one. or

make you my friends. If I learn one new computer trick a day and use it

in the day a couple of times it helps to remember.

Thanks for the encouragement and help. remembertolaugh, jeannie






I don't do facebook or myspace myself as my daughter doesn't want Mom lurking around checking up on her LOL Little does she know I can access her info through my Aunt's accounts and I do on occasion check out her stuff.


Instead I hang out here at Stroke Net and pass the time.


Friends do have the tendency to vanish. Most of my friends from before were work colleagues and they are long long gone. A few have stuck around - those I consider true blue friends.

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