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A Fear Realized!

Wesley H.


One of my greatest fears was realized today. I lost my balance and fell at work this morning. I had gone down the hallway to get a cup of coffee. On the way back, I had my coffee cup in my good right hand and reached out to open the door with my partially working left hand. As I reached for the door handle, I lost my balance and fell to the floor spilling coffee all over myself. I lay sprawled out on the floor for few seconds assessing my condition. Nothing broken, nothing really hurt, other than my confidence. Being as prideful as I am, I felt fortunate that no one saw me and I was able to get back up fairly easily. However, it is quite apparent that my new sport coat needs to go to the dry cleaners. I need to remember that nothing is routine anymore. I


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sorry the fall happened. i too am very prideful. when something like that happens to me, my mind spends a good deal of time kicking my own butt. you don't need to do that. let me tell you there was ONE thing that stood out in my mind while reading your blawg entry. . . YOU GOT BACK UP, DUSTED YOURSELF OFF, AND WALKED ON. good job. pat yourself on the back my friend.

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Well the fall did not produce any broken parts so did you tell at least one person you got bumped with the door from the other side and got coffee all over you since no one witness the fall? That way you keep your pride about going back to work this soon.


Next time if you get to the door kinda wait for someone and they can catch the door for you. Those are the doors you wish swing both ways so you could back into it still holding your cup in the good hand.


Be careful on the job! :huh:

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Well the fall did not produce any broken parts so did you tell at least one person you got bumped with the door from the other side and got coffee all over you since no one witness the fall? That way you keep your pride about going back to work this soon.


Next time if you get to the door kinda wait for someone and they can catch the door for you. Those are the doors you wish swing both ways so you could back into it still holding your cup in the good hand.


Be careful on the job! :huh:





There was no one near the door for me to wait for, as I would normally do. Also, I can't back into the door, either. It opens towards me; so I have to position my hand on the handle and pull it open. It's either that or place the cup on the floor, use my good hand to open the door, block it open with my foot, then bend over to pick up the cup. I'd rather take my chances with the bum hand.



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Hi Wesley,


I'm sorry to hear about your fall, but like the others, I'm real glad that nothing (but your pride!) got hurt--oh, yeah, and your clothes....


I've only (only?) had 3 falls, all at home, and fortunately got hurt only once. That time, someone came to my door and I got up to answer it (that'll teach me). What I think happened is that after I stood up from my chair, I started walking without remembering to get my bearings first. I ended up falling against a window and somehow my left foot ended up being twisted in a wire magazine rack I have. Broke two bones with that stunt, but the good thing was that it was my left/affected foot. If it had been the other way around, I'd have been back in a wheelchair for awhile.


Your colleague sounds like a real gem! How thoughtful of him--right on target, too!


Take care of yourself!



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At least nobody was around to see you fall and you were able to get back up by yourself with your dignity only slightly bruised.

I'm also glad you had something good happen to help balance out the bad. Kind people make such a world of difference!

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Sorry about the fall... but you were able to get back up by yourself and go forward. The clothes can be cleaned, your bruised pride doesn't show and the thing your colleague did is super. Yes, talking is good for you, so go talk to him every chance you get. What a thoughtful guy! I am very glad you didn't break anything!

Love you Lots


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Hi there Wes: I have a few thoughts I would like to leave with you. When you shared how you had ridden your Bike and it was a major milestone and goal met, do you think you could have possibly over done it? I say this because besides me being a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor, I also battle with a form of Muscular Dystrophy. When I set my mind to doing something, I go for it and I feel if you can dream it, you can achieve it. When I am having a good day, I go and go and go and go. Because those days don't come to often, but, then I pay for it big time. I am not SuperWoman. Then you add in my Brain Stem Stroke, as I had the Muscular Dystrophy first and then the BSS in 2003 and two TIA's in 07and 08.

I have fallen so many times I have lost count, One thing they don't teach you in REHAB how to get up. In order to get up, my dear hubby has to call 911. Thank God my sense of humor cracks them up and they just smile, I hear them say to my hubby where is she? I then yell out "Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up." Then they get me up and they are on their merry way.

They get a good donation from us yearly. We are blessed to have them near by. It is embarrasing for me, I must admit. But, If I don't want to spend the rest of my years on the floor, they have to be called. Of course, My Harley loves when Mommy is down on the floor, he runs and brings me all his favorite toys to play with him. Bless his heart. My nickname around here is She's a weeble wobble, falls and can't get up.

I have learned my limitations. Don't over do, rest when I feel tired. etc. etc. etc. I guess since I was a hundren per cent paralyzed and I have the capabilities to scratch my own nose now, and use my fingers to type, etc. the gifts God gave me back, I sometimes try to push the envelope. Just be careful and don't over do it. Maybe your bike rides and then that party you went to might have been a bit much. I am praying for you and I know you will keep catching that brass ring. You deserve all the happiness in the world and you have such an awesome family who loves you and supports you. What a good friend, take him up on it and go speak with him. Can't wait to read your next post. You are such an inspiration to all of us. In my book, last week you were the Number One Blog of the week. :)

In reference to the coffee incident, have you thought about taking a thermos filled with coffee? It stays hot I believe. Do you have co-workers next to you that you could ask to bring you back some coffee? They all know about your stroke and I am sure they would be more than happy to assist you. Could you wear a backpack and then you would have your hands available to open a door. Or, better yet, does your work have accessible doors where you push that blue button that opens the door?

Just a thought.

Take care and know I keep you in my prayers.



Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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Hi Dad! Sorry to hear about your fall! I'm glad you're ok and didn't break anything... especially your #1 Husband mug I'm sure you've got lying around the office somewhere (Hi, Ma!) ;)


Hopefully you won't take another spill on the job, but just in case... you can always do as I do and keep an extra change of clothes at work... I make messes all day long. Lifesaver. :D


Love you!




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