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Random Thoughts!!

Wesley H.


I successfully kept my butt in the chair today and not on the carpet, nor did my shoes get to belt level. I have decided that I won


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Sure glad you stayed on your feet today but I wouldn't bother switching to tea! It stains too! You probably had been overdoing it a bit like your Dad always did! He would definitely be overdoing it these days with all this ice storm mess. I am trying not to do that but there is just so much to do. I recall him being a Mr Fix it man too and I miss that but I am learning there are lots of things I can do that I never thought I could!

Sorry about your friend passing away but I am sure he is happier now, especially since his wife had preceded him in death.

Wish I had some tacos! Don't know about fish ones though!

I am so thankful for this site that is such a help to you! I have been looking at it a bit more and see how it can also be a help to family members and care givers too!

Love You Lots



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hey Wes:


glad you stayed on your feet today & not on your butt. falling is part of growing up in stroke recovery journey. lucky you did not break any bones & only your pride was hurt. I enjoy reading your blogs & enjoy sense of humor of your whole family. sorry to hear about your friendthough he is at better place right now.




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Wes: :Clap-Hands: :cheer: :clap: :congrats:


I am so happy you had a better day today. One day at a time.... You are such an inspiration to everyone. I know you sharing you day in your blog is touching many people.

I am sorry about hearing about your friend passing away but this is his Homecoming and his precious Gail was waiting for him at the gates with two pool cue sticks and a big smile. You have a Guardian Angel looking down at you and Debbie. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your adventures.

You have such a wonderful loving family. They are very supportive of you, that is a real Blessing.

Take care my friend.

Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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I agree with everything everybody else said, but what I really wanna know is--- how were those fish tacos? As long as you can still cook I can attest to the fact that you have more than considerable value! :happydance:

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