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My day started out lying in bed, opening my eyes, hearing the TV on. My natural thought is hubby is up. Until, I hear the snore, next to me. I do my morning constitution, coffee just finished brewing (set on automatic to brew and be ready for me when I wake up). That's when it all was decided (remind you I saying I did not make a conscience decide) I picked up the clicker and I was unable to change the station, the volume, turn it off. Ok, it must be the the batteries, I'll change them and ??? Nope! Now, hubby wakes up and says 'it must be the batteries' and it's is now going thru my mind that it is not enough I'm having to deal with the clicker that does not talk but it controls the TV. Hubby, has aphasia and I have to figure out what he is try to say to me.

Wanting to just pull the plug on the cable box and plug it back in, I decided not to. Some TV is better than No TV. Instead I'll call the cable company. I called and they go throu the usual questions and we will rest call us back in 10 miniutes if you still have nothing. Yep, you guessed it 10 minutes later call back and get someone else, sounds a little more savy and tell me 'Oh it's your clicker' 'We could send some one out to exchange it or you could go to one of our stores.' Now, I have to decide to wait till Monday for a cable guy to come and exchange the clicker on first available appoiment time or get hubby to drive us to a cable store and exchange. We choose cable store.

I ask were is the closest one to my house. Do you have a phone number for the store and the answer I get is 'they don't take phone calls' So, now I have the information of the cross streets, it is in a Public's shopping center, and across the street from a Pep Boys. Good information, but hubby rushes me out the door and then says to me 'how far down this street is the cross street.' Well, I'm fit to be tied. He's the one that pushed me out the door before I could have a chance to think about the 'who, what, where, and how' answers.

Time and time again I have to learn the same lesson over and over that before ventureing out do my 'who, what, where, how'. I know if I do not have the info, I'm to be blamed. Ever since hubby had his stroke the littlest thing can tic him off. And this time I did it again. Shitty day.

Finnally got to the cable store and back home. Thank god.

Ok, now put the batteries in and lets see. Nothing. Back on the phone to the cable company. We go throu the 20 questions and then they say'you have to reprogram' I can now start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.' Why could they not mention to me either at the time they are sending me to exchange or at the store about you will have to call and get it reprogramed. No body gives good customer service anymore. I was a customer service rep for many years. Thank god now the TV is working properly again.


Oh, that cup of coffee I have ready when I wake up is cold now. I guess, I will nuke it. Now that I'm reading this over again and reflecing on the happenings I can laugh, and remind my self it's all and illusion, I made it all up, their is not world, their is no clicker, no hubby, no cars, driving. Their is only SPIRIT.




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I am glad you are able to look back at the situation & able to laugh it on. lot of times situations are not disasterthey are plain inconviences but our mind make them look disaster to us & ruins the beauty of the moment.




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All I can say and send to you dear girl is hugs (((HUGS))))


Hope the remainder of your weekend goes better.



The day went better after I sat back and had a good laugh. As for the week, once I usually have a first of the morning ego trip it can only go up on the scale. I refuse to let my mind become loaded down with a ego running wild, I squash it with a big dose of LAUGHTER :roflmao: .

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