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Wake up Call

Wesley H.


Thank you all for the wake up call you gave me yesterday! After reading and re-reading your comments from my entry; I went and stood in the corner for an hour. Now it


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There is no need to thank any of us. You'd do the same for us if we got off "the path". We've all been there and needed the nudge to stand up and flush.


Oh how cool is that getting to see the race tomorrow. Be sure to let all know that you are our entry for next year. Will look forward to seeing the pictures.

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I went back to yesterday's blog, "stuff on my mind" and read the comments left by others. I got all teary eyed and developed a lump in my throat. You are all such an inspiration to me and you are all in my prayers. I was even touched by the comments left by your sisters. [Dad and I must have done some things right!] I am so thankful for all of you!


I really am excited about your trip to the Bike Race tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful day for you. I will be calling you after church tomorrow evening to hear all about it! Can't wait to see the photo's!


One more thing...Jan, I will be happy to adopt you. I have four children, 12 grand children and nine great grand...one more family member is fine!



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wow, brother, this one touched my heart. i don't mean all the thank you's. what i'm talkin about is to see the difference from a couple days ago. great you are excited to live! they tell me it's all in the present moment. sounds like you are in that spot.





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hey Wes:


please tell your mom to adopt me 2. your parents have raised you all so well. no wonder you are such a great husband, father & son, you had great example of your parents. I am so happy that you are sharing your life with us, I am oroud to be member of such elite group. able to see bike racing wow that's exciting.




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Hi Brother Wes.... So happy you are feeling better, you know mememefafalalalala "We Get By with a lil help from our friends." so we are here for you, I don't feel you were being "Called Out" ... you were just be loved and cared about. We all have our super up moments, some down moments, this is life..... a mixed bag of feelings. Remember, memelalafafa

Feelings, whoa whoa whoa that song" Lawdy. We are here for you Wes, in good times, not so good ones, up and down and even all around. Always remember that.

Hey, I am so excited you are having a great day planned today. I can't wait to see the pics, and hear all about it. I am praying you have a wonderful day today and the weather is good, and just enjoy this gift from God today. ENJOY.

P.S. Mom, thanks for adopting me. I feel better already. Can I borrow the car keys? hehehe oops, don't have to worry about that one, I can no longer drive, five years now from the damage from the Brain Stem Stroke. Uh Ho, almost forgot.

Thank you for letting me join in da family.


God Bless, Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR:)



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You know, I've seen you standing in the corner before. I believe I was probably in the opposite one and it was most likely your fault! Personally I think you were too hard on yourself. I'm happy to see you exicted at something "normal"!

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Wes. we all go thru these moments.. We have lost something to this rotten stroke.. it's ok to ... sometime's we remember what we lost.. I liked what you said.. and it was something I had to learn.. Don't compare what you can do today to how you were before stroke, but compare today to the day stroke entered your life.. LOOK how far you have come.. and that doesn't mean you can quit now..


I had one Dr tell me 18 months, I had more.. and one I consdier a friend.. tell me as long as you try as long as you don't give up there is progess. Sometimes it is "fine tuning" and may not be the huge leaps at first. My walking continued to improve over several years.. No I still can't run. I'm not even sure what I look like when I try... LOL..


The grandkids, know grandma doesn't run, but she's good at sitting by the garden and finding bugs, worms, teaching you weeds from flowers. oops.. oh well we can re-plant that one. What I am saying, and you are seeing.. Life is different.. but it is still GOOD.


We have been slowed down..... but now I am not in that 90mph rat race.. I have time to find the bug, smell the coffee.. and plant the flower..


Enjoy the little things my friend... sometimes you see more from the side line than being in the middle of the race.



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